I have suggestions for some house rules, so let me know what you think and you can add to it if you like:
The spotter:
Q: The volley fire rulles require a friend to see the target, but no rule says where this friend should be. So, what if he sees the target but the shooters can't see him, how will he give them the signal then???
A: My suggestion is that at least one of the shooters must be able to see the spotter within 42cm at least obscured, or within 42-56cm but must be clear (not obscured).
Throwing stones: anyone can throw stones (logic

) with the same rules as Hobbits but he hits on 5+. [edited]
Throwing hand weapons: anyone can throw his hand weapon with same rules as throwing spears, but with his shooting stat +1 to hit (so if he shoots on 4+ he'll get 5+) and he forfeits all his remaining movement even if he slays his opponent. If he has no shooting stat then he hits on 6.
More to that he suffers the following penalties:
- If he has a shield he can use shielding, if not he fights as unarmed.
- He wounds only with S2.
If target is wounded he can't move this turn, as in immobilised.
Sam: He has "His gardner" special rule:
- Only one of them must pass his courage test for both of them to pass.
- If Frodo dies he becomes the ring bearer.
- Frodo can use "With Me!" on Sam without using any Might points.
This rule suggests that you add both Heros togehter to your army, which is close to the story line as they aid each others.