Hello everyone, hows it going?
I'm not too sure on the templates myself WKoM. Not to worry, if you can’t do them the guides will do just fine

perhaps you could show how to add elvish designs to the window/door frames, etc. Some wierd sort of pattern I dunno something interesting! (I can’t think of any decent examples apart from the elven banners in the rule book)
Any whos I'm still working on other scenarioes, but for the first one i give you... (drum roll)
Act 1:
The Capture of Maeglin
Maeglin lived and prospered in Gondolin, for he was skilled in arms, and seemed good, but he had one fault. He was enamored of the beauty of Idril his first cousin and daughter of Turgon. Jealousy gnawed at his heart, as he knew he could never have her, and when Tuor married Idril, Maeglin's jealousy was turned to him in full force. Maeglin, in order to quiet his spirit I believe, worked long and hard, hewing the rocks of Amon Gwareth, and delving into the dark secret places to find precious gems. As it happens, one day he delved too far, and was taken by Melkors servants. The torture he was subjected to was great, and though he was not a craven, he eventually succumbed, and provided the enemy with the location of Gondolin, and how it might best be assailed. Melkor released him back to Gondolin to further his treachery, and to wait for the day when Melkor would take over…
Maeglin, out of spite for Tuor, accompanied by a handful of his folk delve deep in the mines in search for beautiful jewels for which he desires. Yet whilst doing so they are ambushed by several scouts of Morgoth who still seek the mythical kingdom of Turgon that supposedly lies within the surrounding mountains. Can Maeglin escape before he is captured by orcs, betraying his king and kinsmen?
Maeglin, given a hand weapon and an elven bow
6 Folk of the Mole with swords and shields
2 Folk of the Mole with elven bows
Hoards of Morgoth
Lug, given a hand weapon and shield
10 Orcs with swords and shields
5 Orcs with orc bows
Points Match
For a points match select a force of up to 200pts for either side. Only one hero may be taken for either side. No war machines, monsters or any mounted models may be taken. Remember, this is a skirmish so only foot troops are able to take part.
Set up & Layout
The ambush takes place on a 2ft x 2ft size board near the entrance of the mines, represented by a form of cave etc. This is where the good side must set up their models to begin the game. The surrounding area consists mainly of an open plain with afew trees and rocks to act as cover. 1/3 of the evil side, with Lug in command, begins at the opposite board edge to the mine entrance. Each model starts 5" away from each other. The remaining few orcs enter from any board edge (apart from the cave entrance) if a 4+ is rolled at the start of every priority phase after the alarm is raised. This represents the orc scouting party splitting up, for they are unaware of Maeglins presence.
The good side must ensure that Maeglin escapes off any board edge alive (ie not knocked out cold or fleeing in terror)
The evil side must prevent this from happening by successfully capturing Maeglin and slaying all his kinsmen.
Special Rules
Maeglin and his Folk: This scenario is set before Maeglin is ensnared by Morgoth. Therefore he and his folk fight on the side of good! Maeglin himself doesn't suffer from being 'orcish' as he has not yet been tortured. So therefore he doesn't follow the 'orcish' special rule so has a strength value of 4, shooting value of 3+ and courage of 6.
Night Fighting: The ambush takes place during the night, visibility is reduced to 10"
Ambush!: Neither forces are aware of each others presence. To represent this for the first turn the good side may not move. The evil side begins with only a handful of troops. The rest only enter the fray once the alarm has been raised. To raise the alarm the evil side must be within seeing distance of the good models. On the roll of a 4+ (providing there is a line of sight) Maeglins existence is revealed.
Capturing Maeglin: To capture Maeglin the evil side must only inflict a single wound to 'knock him cold'. The good player may not move him unless revived. A good model must spend a whole move phase in base contact to revive Maeglin. An evil model may move Maeglin at half its move rate. If this model is engaged in combat they must drop Maeglin and fight combat as usual. No good model may shoot at the evil model carrying Maeglin ask the risk of hitting their beloved lord is much too high!
I play tested it 3 times and the evil side won twice but all games were very close! I have to admit this is a very small skermish and may not appeal to all, but it re-introduces the tactical side of the game, which it loses through the huge battles! Those who like big battles stay tuned, there will be plenty coming up...What do you all think?
Regards, Andy