you are all so kind... thank you so much for your nice (and funny) comments.
yep, now seeing this article finished I am astonished myself that I dared to dive into that huge project ... but when the brain is blinded by passion ...
I have to thank my both proofreaders - SamGamgee for the initial advises what to do better and DurinsBane to change my too long thoughts and improper expressions into correct English!
@Dorthonion: LOL!
(found that jaw here in the abyss box trying to bite the balrog off the rope ... I throw it back over counry and channel... (sssssssssssssst.... catch it if you can...)
@Ebob: the tiny rope cannot be seen if the light is adjusted correctly. for the pics to show details or that you can see the scene at all I had to use more lights and make the pics a bit brighter, so it is visible now.
I also didn't want to drill inside both mini bodies...
and didn't know exactly where and how to hang them at first, I might readjust them, so I used the rope. Such I will be able to take the minis out and put them on a shelf if I want to (the box is very large and my vacant space in the flat limited)
Next project...? of course I am not telling you ...
it will be smaller! (okay, I have two in mind, one smaller and one, yep, a bit larger, rather higher than deeper...). The small scene I already started a thread with (Eowyn, Witchking). One member (you know that guy with that huge backlog painting guide in 2200 parts ...

... gave me some ideas I have to work out ... and limit to a manageable project... (I am already watching fellbeast auctions on ebay...)
but first I have to paint some other minis. after a project taking so many days, I really missed the pleasant paintjobs on tinier figures.