Black Riders LL doesn't register any wraiths apart from the WK as costing any pts at all
member how I often mention not to drag the cells around
I dragged the cells around
Frodo Sam and Gollum in the rangers LL seem to have the wrong pts and glitch out the rest of the list if you try making any adjustments. Seems to be to do with where Anborn and Mablung have been added. Exact same issue in the Gondor list too if you try to add those ranger Heroes.
Same thing, the points seem to be correct though, 85 for Frodo with the extra gear and 45 for Sammy boi
Sharku's riders has an issue with the heroes where it automatically adds the pts for another hero without you actually having one
Also clearly stuff I dragged
No option for the standard moria drum in the LL
I am blind
I remember looking at the special rule and wondering why they mentioned the moria drum when it wasn't on the list.
I have now seen that it is indeed there, I'm just blind
Sentinels don't count as having bows in the Thranduil Halls sheet, allowing you to accidentally have too many bows
Man that has been there for a while
There is an error in the Dunland Legendary Legion where the Oathmaker adds 110 points to the army total rather than the 55 he should be.
Yet more dragging on my part
Checked around and found a few others like that
Thanks for all the feedback, will go upload the fixed version now
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