Hi all! Well, with the fabulous news that Photobucket has released all the old photos and everything's up and running again I'm delighted to show off the cover for the latest issue of SBG Magazine - Issue 6!

As you can see from the cover, our latest issue focusses on the dramatic charge of Thorin's Company from the gates of Erebor and into the Battle of the Five Armies. The centrepiece of the issue is a gigantic 10,000 point battle-report that features 450 models in a desperate clash to decide the fate of Erebor. It's also chock full of all the usual SBG goodness, an Iron Hills Tacitica from Will Champion, a Painting Masterclass for Thorin, King Under the Mountain from DMS, Sculpting tips for creating our custom Thorin, FIli and Kili from UK FreddyBear and another 2 articles from myself and Tom's regular columns - it's a good'un!
If you're interested in picking up the new issue, or indeed any of the back issues, then drop us an email on
sbgmagazine@gmail.com and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
I was also amused to flick through this thread today and see this post from last May that predicted this issue would be released in April 2018 - a month late's not too bad I suppose!
Dr Grant wrote:
GreatKhanArtist wrote:
I loved it, as usual. Thanks, guys. Do we have a target date for issue 6?
Ha, Issue 6?!?! Hard to say, we know what's going into it and work's already begun (and completed in some cases) on various scenery and miniature bits and bobs. All being well, I'd guess it would be released at the Desolation of Stockport next year so maybe April 2018 - feels like a loooong way off though!

We hope you all enjoy reading the new issue as much as we enjoyed making it.
Thanks as always
Dr G.
Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
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