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 Post subject: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:47 am 
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Joined: Wed May 23, 2012 1:03 am
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Is Games Workshop planning on revitalizing/continuing the LOTR/Hobbit lines? I've seen the news/rumors about a new "Middle Earth SBG," but the lack of official announcements/news online is discouraging?

Basically I'm wondering about the overall state of the hobby, including whether the community is continuing to dwindle, or if there is any hope for a turnaround/growth. This is such a great game and hobby, yet GW's lack of official announcements/transparency makes it feel like a forgotten line.

Thoughts? Thanks!
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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:24 am 
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It's no longer a rumour, the new Middle-earth SBG has been confirmed (supposedly a mid 2018 release for the (or a?) new rulebook). Games Workshop has renewed the license and there should be more support for the hobby for years to come, so there are definite plans on continuing the line.

However I agree that official information on this is scarce and hard to find. I believe this information comes mainly from insiders who attend LotR/Hobbit events where they sometimes have press conferences. I too wish for more transparency about upcoming projects and not lock this information for those unable to attend to such events. If the plans are there to release such amazing updates or new products to the line, why not make this information publicly available and create more hype?

I think in terms of content we as fans of this game can rejoice, however I believe that if they gave us more information and updates about progress, it might also draw in more new people (or bring back older players). Initially I was led to believe that the big new rulebook would be released summer 2017, so I found it quite disheartening to hear that it's now slated for a summer 2018 release and I still can't find anything concrete and official about this (huge?!) upcoming release.

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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:18 am 
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GW doesn't tend to release much info on projects that are still months from completion. Release dates tend to be vague so as to avoid the very disappointment mentioned above when projects are delayed.

There will be a large tournament at the end of February which would be the ideal moment to release more information on what will likely see the light of day sometime this summer, and I'm sure the Warhammer Community website will have further bits and pieces as the date gets nearer. Any information given during presentations is always widely shared on social media and here for those who weren't present (which is the vast majority of hobbyists across the globe). In addition, Middle-earth head honcho Adam Troke has been on Warhammer TV (their Twitch channel) several times in recent months to disclose more news particles.
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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:11 pm 

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Considering the four new Ringwraith models and Battle Companies content released by GW (and indeed the apparently entirely unexpected demand for now out of production models), Continued support and quite possibly future expansion is definitely on the cards :)
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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:03 pm 
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I think the LoTR TV series will probably resurface all the Tolkien/LoTR love and if GW plays it right, so will the SBG..

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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:30 am 

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Need more activity in the hobby for sure

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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:24 pm 
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Not to disagree with anyone but as mentioned before (& unlike warhammer 40k, sigmar, etc) GW has to basically buy a liscence from the tolkien estate (or whoever owns the rights) to produce their middle-earth products. This in turn will place more emphasis on making sure the models are as close as possible to the movie counterparts as well as balancing their own costs against those of their customers ; which in turn can potentially mean a slower production rate. By all accounts 40k is their biggest moneyspinner so that is why the middle-earth range will always (appear to) come lower down their list of priorities ; it's not that they aren't interested in working on the range, just a business plan, pure & simple

That being said, I do think that they could be a bit more forthcoming about new releases or trickle little snippets of news / sneak peeks more regulary to keep middle-earth up with their other miniature releases ; also it does place more emphasis upon us to keep the hobby alive by supporting them and one factor that is a big influence (& often overlooked) is that unlike their own 40k line, they are producing models for a series of books & films that fans have cared passionately about for years.

They just do not have that much free rein to go mad and produce loads of models that may not meet the majority of peoples expectations & therefore be met with a backlash or not sell well at all (swan knights of dol amroth for example...). It is clear that they will be supporting middle-earth for quite a few years yet & I have no doubt that we will all continue to see more fantastic models for middle-earth being released. If that is at a slower rate than we would like, then it may be something we have to live with.

I take heart & enjoy the fact that with our support, they have managed to keep the line alive / in production for 16-17 years already, which is not something that they even managed with some other good properties of their own, such as bloodbowl. Middle-earth is here to stay for the forseeable :-D
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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:18 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:14 pm
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I made a similar enquiry to FW about a week ago, and the answer I received was explicit: there will be loads of surprises for fans of MIDDLE EARTH SBG in 2018. Middle Earth rebranding we knew, but what they consider 'loads' and 'surprises' I don't know.

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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:05 pm 

Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:17 am
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Ironmonger wrote:
I made a similar enquiry to FW about a week ago, and the answer I received was explicit: there will be loads of surprises for fans of MIDDLE EARTH SBG in 2018. Middle Earth rebranding we knew, but what they consider 'loads' and 'surprises' I don't know.

This is encouraging!

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 Post subject: Re: Official GW News/Direction?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:28 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2017 5:28 am
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I wish the book covers either had designs or art, instead of photographs of models. Small complaint, but it really bothers me.
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