I recently found the Khazad-Dum book at the secondhand store and am excited to start painting my dwarf army. However, there are a few bits of lore that seem to be in conflict with each other.
Where does Dain Ironfoot rule? Khazad-Dum puts him as lord of Erebor, but in the Bo5A film, he doesn't live there, no one lives there!
Who ruled Khazad-Dum/Moria before it was overtaken by the balrog? I know Balin led the attempted recovery force, but he's from Erebor.
I'm asking so I can paint my lords and kings appropriately. I have plans to do Khazad-Dum/Moria in the loveliest emerald green and magenta scheme. It looks great with the new green-gold paint. Dwarves are man enough to wear pink