Hi everyone,
I've got a few question about those two abilities :p
- Hurl can only be used against foe with lower strenght than the monster's one. But nothing like that is written for the "Sorcerous Blast" spell. Does it mean that the target is always blasted and knocked prone by the spell, regardless of his strenght?
- Can a good model use "Sorcerous Blast" on a foe in combat, or on a foe who will potentially knock prone good models, killing them (because of the S3 hit)? I don't see any restriction (such as in the shooting section).
- Hurl can be used against foe with lower strenght than the monster's one. Does it mean that Treebeard can hurl, for instance, a wraith on a fellbeast, dismounting them? Does it also mean, if the answer of my first question is "YES", that Gandalf might blast the same ringwraith and the fellbeast, dismounting them too?

Thanks for your help, and sorry for my poor English