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 Post subject: Lore questions High Elves/Wood Elves
PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:43 pm 
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At any point in history, did they fight side by side, and where?

I thought I read something somewhere along the lines of Glorfindel fighting in a war/battle that Thranduil also went off to fight in, but Legolas stayed home.

I for the first time in my life, started putting some high elves together. I know its easy to build an army together tactics wise, but I'd like to do some theme as well too.

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 Post subject: Re: Lore questions High Elves/Wood Elves
PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:15 pm 
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you want another example?

Battle of Carn Dum...

historically the Witch King did sent an host from angmar to drive off the attencions of the elves from the events in Amon Sul and Cardolan.
Caughing the witch king off guard, the elves counter attacked the force that went for rivendell, a thing he didnt expected, much less an host of Rivendell along with Lorien and Lindon forces...
The elves attacked Carn Dum and lost though... however they inflicted massive casualties to the Witch King´s armies making them unable to attack Fornost, hence the Witch King went to the barrow downs to defile the place and create a plague to devastate the north.
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 Post subject: Re: Lore questions High Elves/Wood Elves
PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:26 pm 

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The woodelves, or silvan elves were ruled by a social elite, the sindar (legolas and thranduril's folk) and the sindar fought along side the high elves during the battle of dagorlad, the last alliance of elves and men. There is a round about connection there.
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 Post subject: Re: Lore questions High Elves/Wood Elves
PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:58 am 
Elven Elder
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The Battle of the Last Alliance featured all kinds of men, dwarves and every elven Soldier on Middle-Earth.

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 Post subject: Re: Lore questions High Elves/Wood Elves
PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:31 am 

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With exception to the green elves. Little is known about what they did during the second age. They fell under the rule of gil galad so it is probable they participated, but never explicitly stated
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 Post subject: Re: Lore questions High Elves/Wood Elves
PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:13 pm 
Elven Warrior
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If by wood elves you mean strictly the folk from Mirkwood then there is no point during which they are explicitly stated to have fought together on the same field at the same time. There was an account of a host from Mirkwood that responded to the last alliance but it moved to far ahead of everyone else and got wrecked before everyone was together. After which the Mirkwood elves retired from the field. That's the battle that got Legolas' grandfather killed I think. But its not a far jump to assume that the extended war of the last alliance saw something like a jointly fought battle or campaign at some point.

As to the business with Angmar, that bit with the Mirkwood elves getting involved was an invention of the movie so you can take it or leave it as you like. The force of elves that drove back the Witchking the first time was high elves and a contingent from Lorien but not Mirkwood. That bit that Galanur is talking about is most likely from the Battle for Middle Earth 2 rise of the Witchking dlc which expanded on the war in Arnor for the games own storyline.

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 Post subject: Re: Lore questions High Elves/Wood Elves
PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:41 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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If I remember correctly The Tale of Celeborn and Galadriel, wood elves never fought together with high elves. During the War of the Last Alliance Amdir of Lorien joined Oropher of Mirkwood to create a single great host of Silvan elves, because they both refused to obey Gil-Galad. The Silvan charged before time and got smashed. The one buried in the dead marshes are indeed the elves of Lorien.
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 Post subject: Re: Lore questions High Elves/Wood Elves
PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:17 am 
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During the war of the ring when the elves march on Dol Guldor is that wood elves and high elves? I know its Mirkwood and Galadhrim but I can't remember if there were actual high elves present as well. They are in the source book obviously, the fall of the necromancer but that's more of an amalgamation then a real depictions.

I always have felt like as long as you take forces led by their rulers during the war of the ring you can't go too far wrong. Since the scale of SBG tends to be a little small I feel like there's always room for a few skirmishes between forces!


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