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 Post subject: Rohan army
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:10 pm 
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Hello folks!

I have been looking for another army to play with and Rohan caught my eyes. I really love the models, their history, the art of the shields etc etc.

What army lists do you people recommend? All-mounted force? Foot troops? Heroes? I will probably get Eomer as he seems the strongest ;).

I will play games around 500 up to 800 points.

Thank you for your time,

"That still only counts as one!"
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:00 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:51 pm
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Useraxe wrote:
Hello folks!

I have been looking for another army to play with and Rohan caught my eyes. I really love the models, their history, the art of the shields etc etc.

What army lists do you people recommend? All-mounted force? Foot troops? Heroes? I will probably get Eomer as he seems the strongest ;).

I will play games around 500 up to 800 points.

Thank you for your time,

Although I don't play Rohan at the moment , I have an army awaiting its turn to be painted up (which at the rate I paint , may take years :( ). If you watch the GBHL review of the army of men profiles you will get a good idea for what useful. of the top of my head,a key hero is Erkenbrand, who is good for his point cost, but also unlocks the redshield upgrade for regular Rohan warriors, also imporant is having a core of elites such as royal guard or Sons of Eorl
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:58 am 
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Alright, I will check them out. Thanks! :)

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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:14 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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Yea Demonsbane pretty much told you all.

You can go for a themed list, but rohan still relie too much on cav to be effective.
Infantry its more like a field gap kind of thing and even out the odds without paying much points in case your cav need to go into terrain and lose all the bonuses.

Rohan to be effective need to be a bit of extremes on picking choices.
They do have alot heroes and some got some special roles in the field, but generally you just relie on a few.

Eomer knight of pellenor its the most sturdiest rohan heroe you can field, hes not a super heavy weight compared to other F6 + heroes, but hes still a nasty thing that hurts alot more than you think, hes almost a must to any rohan force when you have the point spare.
Erkenbrand its also around the same category but not for the sheer weight of raw power and killing potencial, hes here merely cause of the upgrades and special rules.
This fella got a few rules essencial for your rohan force, for one the upgrade of the standart rider of rohan to enter into "elite" status its very important.
2nd aspect its the warhorn, which is basically the best courage warhorn in the game offering 2 courage points up to your entire force, suddently rohan looks like elves with courage 5 just thanks to this guy.

3rd big heroe in this list its Eorl the Young, although hes classified as an "old character" that pocess a kinda pseudo version of the "Aragorn´s mighty heroe" on a 4+ in which can come quite handy most of the times, and hes still a very good bargain for the point cost, riding an armoured mearas which moves way faster than regular horses and auto including throwing spear, makes him an all out role in case you need him.

4th comes the regular rohan heroes, Theoden(yea i know its a shame he got no special rules), Hama, Gamling, grimbold, theodred...

These heroes are the regular "captain equivalents" with a bit more extras, some got more might lacking on something, others got more options like bows, armoured horses, heavy armour and shields, and others still got some bodyguard special rules, infantry upgrades and banners.

In all people go more for visual appealing ways than others and still all of em offers that precious might points your rohan army needs for the lack of monsters and super heavy weight heroes. These are often choices above regular captains despite their special rules being kinda situational at times...

Then you got the regular captains of rohan, good for anything standart to the cheap named heroes like Eowyn, where for the lack of wounds strength, M/w/f points compared to other heroes, the´re cheap and offer your forces a lil bit more extend to "horde your army" a lil bit more.

As part of rohan cadre itself..

Warriors of Rohan are a decent melee force, the´re not that resistant as you expect cause the´re light/medium armoured infantry made up to hold field objectives and buy your cav precious time, but they hardly come handy unless you know how to play em effectively.
You got the option to include Royal guard on foot, the elite cadre foot version and quite sturdy armoured soldiers too. Having D6 makes up to Dol amroth infantry style pretty much. Nice, sturdy and skilled and being able to match an uruk hai in almost equal terms (not to mention the super good looking of these models).

Then you have the cav aspect.

Some are good scouting harassing models like the outriders, cav with extremely good shooting value like the elves but very bad to engage in combat.
Or the Rohan royal guard mounted, basically what I explained on foot but this time mounted.
And the best cadre elite cav potencially in all the game in the long run, the Sons of Eorl. The only rohan unit with 2A S4 base, they do indeed allow you to pierce through hard foes quite decently at a fast rate. The´re absolutely superb to take on the field and generally a good rohan commander knows when to take a few half a dozen of these to bear into the enemy ranks as these 20ish points models almost looks like cheap copies of rohan captains, allowing you to become all the more deadly charging head on. (the only downside its the cost ($$) per model, still not as harsh like, let´s say hobbit range stuff)

Then you got the rohan cav, basically the "in bettewn" the nasty melee cadre and the expert shooting outriders, these are your lifeblood, good at everything kind of role, they are warriors on horse with all upgrades so either you go melee or harass or stay on shooting role with decently shooting value stats. The´re cheapish enough to be field in a few dozens if need be, but dont expect them to excel at a particular role.
You can upgrade them to redshields with erkenbrand in the list like mentioned above, they become a bit more reliable to face of the "elite" kind of armies in more or so equal terms...

One thing you have to realize is that Rohan its not easy army to master, its actually one of the hardest "basic" armies. Will take a few harsh defeats at 1st before thinking can come up any good, but do not dispair, this is a normal process of learning with rohan.

This is a kind of army that dont allow you to perform many mistakes and generally wasting cav move can be crucial in a game at times, while other armie,s let´s say goblins, can make some mistakes as the sheer number allow you to lose a few dozens and yu can still pay off a gamble to try to re arrange your mistake.

When you play with Rohan bear in mind something.

You play the battlefield on your terms, if the oponent start to manipulate the field of battle to make your riders charging or running when he chooses it´s a thing you cannot afford.
Make sure to use your cav to goad enemies and spread their forces, as your cav superior manouverability allow you to hit one side, back away and swift change the flank.
Second aspect and generally the most important, you need to be the one charging not being charged, using the might to call heroic moves is extremely important, as rohan its as its best at charging (mind you shouldn´t charge mindlessly. At times its better " to retreat to live another day" style).

Third aspect, throw your elite to where the´re intended to go, its important to know your cav/infantry roles well and what they can/can´t take on.

Another aspect of this, brings up another important thing to consider.
Rohan when goes all cav or almost all cav, the´re generally outnumbered, do not being afraid if your oponent throws several models at you, or you charge several, just try to avoid annoying situations where it can risk your strategy committment right off the bat, like mad and glorious all out charge into a situation 6 to 1 where you´re not sure of the outcome.

Last edited by Galanur on Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:01 pm 
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We meet again Galanur!

Your advices helps alot for me, as always! The effort you lay in your answers is stunning, thanks alot!

I will try to get some sons of eorl, but like you said - the price of them is so high!

"That still only counts as one!"
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:48 pm 
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If your wallet its okish on spending some money do the following.

1st if you got any sort of lotr experience in the past how your buddies play or that have you watched, get the scourcebook, thats like the most important thing to obtain.

2nd Once you got the book, try to read well the rules of each units in the field and see what can you decide and what you´re going to focus, what units visually appeal you the most and which ones are the most usefull and try to balance out.

3rd Soon you got an idea of what you like, make lists at goals like an army for 500pts or 750pts, this simple method will allow you to know what you exactly need to buy without spending huge amounts of money on things you will end up not using.

4th After you adquired some models, go search for colour schemes, you like it more themed? you like a themed on your own, like rohan with pink? thats the good thing on this hobby. If you have questions watch tutorials how to paint or in last case ask comissions.

5th soon you kinda master your force, make sure you watch GBHL videos, the´re crucial for your learning, cause those guys put alot efford to give strategy advices and battle experiences you might encounter in the future.

6th Keep a special eye on James Clark rohan cav army, he´s an experience Rohan player who got mastered in the use of Sons of Eorl and a few key models in the rohan force along with their interaction. If you can, talk to him before any 1. He can offer you some really good advices for his ample experience with this army.

7th and this is not exactly required, but would be good to acknowledge, know your enemy. Knowing the enemy strong side and weakest will make it all the easier for you to know what strategy you need to adopt and what targets need to die 1st.

8th and this is related to the 7th rule. Follow the scenario missions in order to obtain victory, sometimes the eager of battle might make you drive your forces a bit way off track cause of exciment, I do not blame you, but getting a cold head for that matter, the better.
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:05 am 
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1. Me and my buddies have played some games before, but we did not really follow all the rules. We have to read more in the rulebook ;). I'll try to get the sourcebook asap!

2. Alright!

3. That sounds smart, spending money on useless models should be avoided x).

4. I really like the green, original theme on Rohan! But I will defiently change some things up :).

5. I have only watched their bat reps so far but I'm going to check em out.

6. Yeah he seems to know his Rohan! Where can I talk to him?

7. Yeah, I have done some research ;).

8. We have not played so much yet and the scenarios have almost been the same everytime. I will bring up all scenarios and try to focus on it. I've seen many win a unfavored battle only because they were focusing on the mission :).

Thanks again!

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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:39 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:36 am
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If you use foot soldiers use eowyn because you can swarm...
And gamling
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:27 pm 
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Éowyn is great but I’d always give her a horse. With only 1 Attack she’s vulnerable.

Unless you're giving Gamling the banner, I’d take a Captain with Heavy armour and Shield instead for the increased Defence.
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:07 am 
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Galanur pretty much covered everything.

I would recommend taking a look at Grimbold if you are going to be all on foot or mixed. Points cost he's about the same as a regular captain but can upgrade your Warriors of Rohan to S4.

At the points ranges your talking about I like to take Eowyn as she helps keep the number up while taking a few more elite units.
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:02 pm 
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Thank you so much for those helpfull messages, the more advices he can get, the better. To speak with James either speak through his account here or preferably search on GBHL fb page, hes easy to find cause currently he even looks like a rohirrim with a blond beard, only thing left to do its to grow his hair alot more lool

Anyway You could go either the version of his Rohan army lets say 500pts which covered basically 2 warbands, Eomer knght of pellenor, erkenbrand, around 2/3 Sons of eorl each warband, 2 rohan royal guards each, 2/3 Outriders and the remain like 4 to 6 westfold redshields.. this is pretty much 500pts (this came out of my head as i recall it).

All this force above its purely all mounted, and its deadly under the right hands.

If you want to start your basic Rohan force you must choose which method you wanna go: all mounted, 50/50, or all foot(or majority of either)
Then aim within the range of miniatures what you want.

Be advised that if you got mounted models, you need to get their representative replacements on foot in case the horse dies and not the rider. So its quite important to buy extra models with that in mind.

Here´s some "themed" armies ideas...

Snowbourn Garrison.

Snowbourn lies to the east of Rohan, close to the northern eastern part close to the Wold.
The riders of these land have been getting an hard life as their territory its close to the shores of Anduin, where its often scouted by party of orcs from Mordor and Easterlings of Rhun. In the recent years it also has been beset by the vile servants of Isengard who plunder the land and slay its people. Snowbourn people confront the fact of being in bettewn a 2 side front war as being an harsh and sturdy folk.
Snowbourn are often compromissed of elite garrison infantry and some cavalry contigent from nearby Entwash vale and the scattered remaining Rohirrim settlements in the Wold close to the Anduin.

(for game purposes this force ain´t competitive, but you got a themed behind it and named characters in here are just representations of some game contends).
Snowbourn colours are the red.

Rohan 750pts Snowbourn themed.

Warband 1
Fastred, Reeve of Snowbourn (you can use him as Erkenbrand) on horse
4 Westfold Redshields
1 Rohan Royal Guard on horse with banner
3 Sons of Eorl

Warband 2
Captain Aldor of the Wold with heavy armour, shield and throwing spear
6 Rohan Royal Guards
6 Rohan Outriders

Warband 3
Captain Ingbert of the Entwash Vale with heavy armour, shield
11 Rohan Royal Guards

Warband 4 "Medusel escorting party"
Eowyn with shield, armour on horse
3 Rohan Royal Guards on horse
4 Westold Redshields

total: 749pts

models: 42
might: 9
bows (with and without bow counting): 14
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:05 pm 
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Another Themed let´see...

Stonedean Garrison 750pts

Although in many years past, the Rohirrim driven off the Dunlending out of today´s called Rohan, some exiles preferred to make a living and took refuge in Stonedeans...
This rocky hill region near the footsteps of the Misty Mountains bettewn the edges of Fangorn and Isengard, has been a refuge for many Rohirrim and Dunlending alike, preferring the well being of both sides living in harmony and therefore quite common the mixed blood marriage bettewn both folk.
Woodwurst, the main settlement within this region its a properous and peacefull place, its home of many hunters and woodsman, who gather food and wood from nearby Fangorn´s forest and roaming deers.
Although it says the ents are all but a myth, some people in Woodhurst have had the idea that they have seen ents in this past year, a very rare sight hardly spoken for being afraid of being called mad and fall on society disgrace.
Unlike most Rohan regions who relie heavily on cavalry and the use of the horse, in Stonedeans the landscape itself doesn´t favour much the mounted combat warfare and therefore the garrison keep an unusual amount of infantry for a Rohan army, only a brave few, mainly scouts to King´s messengers are given horses for quicker news or harass enemies from afar before the main army engage, it is common to see axes and bows instead amongst this hardy folk and its also said that future KIng´s Huntsman´s are trained here, where the rocky terrain and bountifull prey offer the best training practices.

Warband 1
Herubrand, Leader of Woodhurst(Grimbold)
5 Rohan Royal Guards
6 Helmingas with axes and shields
1 Helminga with shield and banner

Warband 2
Calin, Herubrand´s Son (Rohan Captain with heavy armour and shield)
6 Helmingas with axes and shields (2x with throwing spears)
5 Rohan Outriders

Warband 3
Thurferth, King´s Huntsman

Warband 4
Gifemund, Captain of the Guard(heavy armour and bow)
5 Rohan Outriders
6 Helmingas with axes shields and throwing spears

Warband 6 "Unlikely sights"
4 Dunlending forest stalkers (woses)

total: 750pts
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 Post subject: Re: Rohan army
PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:08 am 
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Swarm with rohan?? ;)

I like those list! Themed is nice, but I love the all mounted army that James is playing ;). But the snowbourn list seems really interesting! Nice that you included a story and all :). I think I will try that one out.

Haha yeah, James really look like a man from Rohan x). I'll try to ask him some questions on the fb page sometime.

Thanks for all the advices people!

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