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 Post subject: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:10 pm 
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I am not specifically looking for modifications. I wanna know from you guys...

What do you think it would feel like trying to beat this army or just general thoughts.

My group and I were discussing putting multiple ringwraiths in an army. What do you guys feel?:

Undying, mounted
Dwimmerlaik, mounted
Shadow Lord, mounted
20 Morannons with shield
23 with shield and spear

6 might(with more saved by taskmaster-probably 3 bringing it to 9), 47 units with high defense and strength 4 for the entire army. Added will Undying. Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of another 15 if one of every two will cast a spell which should with transfixes.

Basically enemy heroes are severely diminished, and they have to try to crack through you in close combat with shooting limited.

Yeah, its kinda silly, but also kinda good....the biggest problem is possible low might, but that is balanced by your wraith.

So overall, it seems good. the only thing I may change is the Shadow lord to dark marshall.

And please when you give me your thoughts dont mention the new Galadriel. Ive never seen her used yet besides fun games.

Basically, I sure wouldnt want to play against it with any force.....I might try it out for fun here soon.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:14 pm 
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It does look good, but I think something like a fellbeast or a troll would be good so that when the enemy heroes are exhausted and transfixed, you can just walk in and kill them. Even Aragorn, Elendil or Gil-Galad wouldn't be able to stand up to that.

But maybe that would take too much from your numbers and ruin what is already a fantastic list on paper. Morannons are probably one of the worst things for elves (or good armies generally) to play against, as the S4 rips through even D6 King's Guard, and the D6 means that not many will die to S3.

It is missing a Shaman, but the courage of the wraiths means that taking one isn't really essential. You say lack of might might be a problem, but after the first few turns, unless you are playing against cavalry, your shield-wall doesn't care if it charges or get's charged, especially if the Dark Marshal is behind it.
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:26 pm 
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LordElrond wrote:
1-It does look good, but I think something like a fellbeast or a troll would be good so that when the enemy heroes are exhausted and transfixed, you can just walk in and kill them. Even Aragorn, Elendil or Gil-Galad wouldn't be able to stand up to that.

2-But maybe that would take too much from your numbers and ruin what is already a fantastic list on paper. Morannons are probably one of the worst things for elves (or good armies generally) to play against, as the S4 rips through even D6 King's Guard, and the D6 means that not many will die to S3.

3-It is missing a Shaman, but the courage of the wraiths means that taking one isn't really essential. You say lack of might might be a problem, but after the first few turns, unless you are playing against cavalry, your shield-wall doesn't care if it charges or get's charged, especially if the Dark Marshal is behind it.

1-True the toughest heroes couldnt handle that. I was worried about numbers. I think that at 800 if I dont have minimum 3 warbands Im starting to take this into dangerous waters. If I took a troll I would likey replace one of the wraiths with a chieftan. My basic hope which is reasonable is being able to wound heroes with strength four morannons. Basically....most of the game is strength 4 or lower besides monsters, a few heroes, and piercing strike.

2-Yeah. I first played only elves and rohan mtd for my first year with a friend. I quickly took to morannons to keep myself from being annihilated by bows every week. What this did was balance the power. I also got to taking Shaman because he constantly had thranduil. This is why I progressed to liking ringwraiths as well....

And yes...that fight is the hardest for good guys to handle. The 4/6 VS 3/6 thing is tough. You always need 6's and they always need 5's. And with cheaper heroes and more models, they do have more dice to win those fights even if your value is higher.

3-Thats exactly what I was thinking. Shaman usually are a necessity, but with all the D6, and high courage wraiths around who have will to expend, I think their stand fasts will do well. Especially because unlike other heroes, they dont sometimes end up random places. The wraiths usually should be behind my troops to provide stand fast in a orderly dispersed fashion.

In addition I have six might, and mathematically with the task master Im hoping it should go to 9 right? Sure, some game it will only go to 7 or 8 but some will go to 10 or 11.
Plus if you use the dwimmerlaik it shuts theirs down.
Finally....the shield lines clashing thing couldnt be more true. I dont care about the charge. Cavalry would be the worse, but they are paying for 1 model usually what I would for two unless theyre redshields. They are worth 1.5 morannons.

Can you tell me what huge holes you see in this army, or what you think would be best to wreck it?

Im playing a friend Thursday. He hates the intricate parts of this game basically and wants to battle. I was thinking of trying it out, but I might not because it will be long and complicated.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:18 am 

Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:11 pm
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Looks like a fun list, but I think the low Fight Value of your orcs could be a weakness. It depends on your style of playing. Have you played Isengard with this army? I could see you running into trouble against an army of Strength 4s and Fight Value 4s. I would try getting a few elites in there, or cut a few orcs for a banner at least.

Started a new blog!
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:44 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:09 pm
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Apart from the fact that the list seems very much fun to play with, and that your opponent will have an hard time facing such a big amount of willpoints, i have a question regarding the Dwimmerlaik.
A friend of mine during a match pointed out how in his profile his special rule does not only apply to enemy heroes, but to YOUR own heroes as well! Or, at least, so it seems: in fact it says "all the Heroes within 14 cm from the Dwimmerlaik....." it doesn't say "enemy heroes " anywhere! How would you deal with this?
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:15 am 
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I'm not sure if your friend was quoting the book off of his memory or what kind of book you have but it clearly states an enemy model actually.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:21 am 
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Lord of Edoras wrote:
Looks like a fun list, but I think the low Fight Value of your orcs could be a weakness. It depends on your style of playing. Have you played Isengard with this army? I could see you running into trouble against an army of Strength 4s and Fight Value 4s. I would try getting a few elites in there, or cut a few orcs for a banner at least.

No I have not tried playing with his army at all yet in fact I'm the type of person that is worried to take more than one Ringwraith hahaha. That's why I said funny mordor army.

Yes....I do assume Isengard would probably be one of the biggest tests but it depends.

First of all most of their armies have a lot of crossbows which would be very hindered by my shadow lord.

I don't know if they would take Saruman or not but if they did he would be rendered useless.

That last point is very vital because with him there troop numbers are severely limited and without him but they would probably wreck me pretty good.

I would likely have to use movement to my advantage as much as possible and actually triy to pick fights. It wouldn't be extremely hard to kill them but it would be hard to survive them.

Overall though there's not many armies like them to test me but that's just one of many but I don't disagree with the assumption at all. Tough tough army....

I would be very defensive though

Even to a point where if I had the correct priority I would use magic to move some of their regular soldiers towards my lines to get them alone.

I really don't see another army though that could hurt me as much. Maybe dwarves.

The only way to find out is to test it I guess.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:35 pm 
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HMm the´re might be a couple armies that gonna hurt you badly mainly:

Wood elves in mass with cheap heroes (all with hand weapon axes ;)
Annoying goblins and alot of em.... you can even field a portion of them being prowlers, they got same F as the morannon and not as much S but a well placed piercing strike followed by a situation its likely to happen of having your forces surrounded and trapped, it will favour the +1 to wound on those situations, making prowlers very close to deadly to get a 50% chance to wound a D6 morannon orc.(if not better).

Another army like yours lol, you like fighting mirror armies? there´s one :P

Smaug. I know hes not to hard to handle really.... but he might be annoying as hell if he runs and shoot with his fire, hes also a challenge in magic to a nazgul noneless....
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:45 pm 
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Well while those are all true I am not worried for certain reasons:

1- none of my friends are big enough jerks to put axes on Elves. If they did that they probably wouldn't be my friends and I probably wouldn't play them again. Somebody wants mention to me they wanted to put watchrs of karna with a shade and put axes on them. I basically never talked to him again. In addition the tournament scene in most of the world denies you the option to put axes on your Elves.

2-an army similar to mine could work very we against me sure...

3-Smaug yeah. I would have to try to win priority and use as much magic as possible on him every turn. Otherwise I just have to play it out as well as I could when the time arrives. But that's an army that will rarely ever be fielded against me.

As for your final point I'm not really sure what you mean with the prowlers and I do want to stick to just mordor with this army.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:39 pm 
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well the prowler list is, they are a bit cheaper than morannon but gain same fight value and better shooting... if you play vs goblins in generall, its very easy to be outnumbered and surrounded. the fights you lose against prowlers will be a nasty one cause its almost guaranteed a morannon will die in case that happen, meanwhile he uses his "300" goblins as cannon fodder and create trap oportunities to get your models stuck in and can´t get out being surrounded.
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:04 pm 
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Oh yeah I agree a horde army will be a real problem. I just have to hope my defense holds as long as possible while I kill his heroes/shamans and wish myself luck hahah.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:36 pm 
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ohh I remember another one, your pesky annoyance and favourite, hunter orc spam army.... that can be a trouble as well :P
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:54 am 
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I love hunter orcs so I would be honored to die by their massive amounts of swords ahahah

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Funny Mordor Army. Please tell me your thoughts.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:14 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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the fate of your orcs are like the palace guard from this vid :P
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