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 Post subject: 600pts tournament elves and gondor
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 5:02 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:59 pm
Posts: 23
Hi guys, i'm trying out army lists for a 600pts tournament. Don't know the scenarios before the tournament. Please let me know what you think about the list.

Elladan and Elrohir with heavy armour.
9 highelves-6 with spear and shield- 3 with bow

Rivendell knight captain
5 rivendell knights with shield + one with banner

3 citadel guards with spear
4 rangers of gondor-2 with spear
5 warriors of minas tirith with shield

600 pts, 9might, 30 models

Another option is to drop the cavalry and throw in gwaihir and an eagle instead
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 Post subject: Re: 600pts tournament elves and gondor
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:24 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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I would drop the shooting element and guards from Gondor and just send in meat shields for the elves to back up. Between the knights and your elven bowmen, who I would recommend giving spears if possible, you are covered on the shooting front. And with fight five spears I don't think you'd need fight fours too.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: 600pts tournament elves and gondor
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:53 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:59 pm
Posts: 23
Thank you for your reply. The reason my gondor warband has spears and bows is so they can fight "alone" if im unlucky and they have to deploy far away from the elves. For exaple in the hold ground scenario..
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 Post subject: Re: 600pts tournament elves and gondor
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:53 pm 

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Putting the twins on horse would make them good but I think you have to lose the banner to achieve that. If you did drop the banner grab the horses and upgrade a couple of your Gondor troops to GotFC w/shield or give out more spears to your archers.

Other than that though I would drop 2 of your WoMT and add another high elf with bow. Then I would replace Beregond with Damrod and use the now 10 extra points to give the twins bows. I would do this because your bodyguard cannot be Beregond so that is wasted on him. The last thing I might do is downgrade the Citidel Guards to WoMT and use the extra few points on more spears for either your Rangers, WoMT or Elf Archers.

This adds another 3 bows to your force giving you a total of 16 including the heroes. Does drop the model count by 1 but I think it will be ok. And you still have enough fight 4 with your Gondor group to hold their own if they need the fight value advantage.
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 Post subject: Re: 600pts tournament elves and gondor
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:35 pm 
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This army, much similar to when I use just high elves, try to maximize the shooting oportunities and dont let the gondor melee side stuck your effectiveness, if by that means spending half the game backing up the gondorians for the later on a charge in for support the better.

If the twins are on foot I would get them elven cloaks, it would help em greatly even against spells since either the enemy need to see em and the´re gonna be crazily targetted by those.

You could potencially drop 1 Rivendell Knight to boost up your elven line however and to that add another elf with shield and spear and another with bow, 1/3 will be 3,6(rounding up to 4)

You lose the lance bonus and fast horse of a knight, but this also means your army will now break at 16 models (1+) also its another foot elf shooting and another shift rank and file elf with spear .

For the Gondorian warband I would get this probably:

4 Guards of the Fountain court with shield
4 Rangers with spear
3 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shield and spear

Same cost of yours, 1 less model, every 1 got spears, so its flexible, the bodyguard are way tougher still can go front rank or 2nd, warriors also got shields and spears so it allows you to gamble and switch line bettewn all of them.

Would get overal 31 models (with the elven changess up there) and still broken at 16.(as its 15,5)

Thats all I think.
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 Post subject: Re: 600pts tournament elves and gondor
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:07 pm 

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You are wasting your bodyguard abilities with that adjustment to the Gondor warband. I really would drop Beregond for Damrod,
especially if you are going to take other bodyguard troops.

Last edited by MWL_Rambo on Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: 600pts tournament elves and gondor
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:59 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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And what other troops have D7? not even elves have em
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