Duels are resolved as normal, comparing dice and fight values. Damage is calculated differently. After a winner is determined you roll strikes, nothing new. Determining which strike hits is a different story. All humans and i include orcs, goblins and uruks in that, are wounded on a 4+, from there you can Increase the wound threshold depending on the critter and special rules. The game immortal has it divided up like this: humanoids 4+, angles/demons 5+, and immortals 6+. To mimic that LOTR could do something like: Humans! Orcs, goblins & uruks 4+, monsters 5+, & spirits 6+. I was also playing with the idea of sliding that up to 5+ for. Humanoids and 6+ for monsters and spirits. Once strikes has been determined the person being struck can make armor saves (one per wound) to prevent damage. No armor = no save, just armor or just a shield allows for a save on a 6, armor & a shield or just hvy armor saves on a 5+ and heavy armor and a shield saves on a 4+. Just as with wound threshold you can slide that up or down for special rules, big critters and heavier armor such as mithril. I imagine as mithril as is awards a def bonus of three, then wearing just mithril would allow for a save on a 4+. So mithril and a shield would be a save on a 3+. Does that make sense?
It also cuts profiles down from FSDWC M/W/F to FWC M/W/F as the S is replaced with a roll based on your models "race" and the D is replaced with an armor save. No more damage chart