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Are you for Gondor and Fiefdoms be merged.
Poll ended at Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:21 pm
Yea 27%  27%  [ 4 ]
Nay 40%  40%  [ 6 ]
Yea+Banners 33%  33%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 15
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 Post subject: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:21 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:57 pm
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I'm love running a Gondor army but I know that I hardly ever have a chance to win competitive games. This idea would help out a lot. Imaging taking Dolr Armoth cav. lead by Boromir. This gets more complicated when you factor in the banner of Minas Tirith for the +1f should it apply to Knights of Dol Amroth this combo would be extremely powerful. The same applies for Imrahil's banner rule. Lore wise these wouldn't be a problem. Imrahil was Steward of Minas Tirith for a short time and a hero in his own right. And do I even have to boost about Boromir. I leave this topic to you the one ringers. GLORY FOR GONDOR!
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:40 pm 
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The feifdoms have been shamefully neglected. New Line had some Imrahil artwork done before John Howe and Alan Lee joined the team - Howe quickly put them right on how real practical armour actually operated. But in the scheme of things, Imrahil was dropped (I think they felt it would have confused those watching the films who had not read any of the books)

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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:05 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:59 pm
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I would love to see this happen. It would definitely need re-balancing but I think it would be worth it!
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:07 pm 
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Not sure why you consider the Gondor lists to be all that bad - Fiefdoms is very limited, but Minas Tirith is pretty great. They have one of the Mightiest (hah) heroes in the game, a variety of 3 Might mid-range heroes, some of the cheapest heroes in the game that can still lead warbands, one of the best options for a very solid line (Fountain Guard), among the best archers (Rangers) or even mounted Elf bows (Citadel Guard).

Imrahil's banner rule for all of Gondor would be too much, but that's irrelevant anyway: the special rule is not Imrahil's, but in the profiles of the men of Dol Amroth who benefit from it.
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:38 pm 

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No way. Fiefdoms are great as is. They can do everything Gondor can. From Dol Amroth you get heavy cavalry + infintry, from Lamedon you get light infantry, from lossanarch you get light support (dol amroth gives heavy support), Black Vale gives you specialized monster killers and sound archers, and finally the deadmen give you... well dead men.
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:05 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:57 pm
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[quote="Coenus Scaldingus"]Not sure why you consider the Gondor lists to be all that bad - Fiefdoms is very limited, but Minas Tirith is pretty great. They have one of the Mightiest (hah) heroes in the game, a variety of 3 Might mid-range heroes, some of the cheapest heroes in the game that can still lead warbands, one of the best options for a very solid line (Fountain Guard), among the best archers (Rangers) or even mounted Elf bows (Citadel Guard).

Really Gondor may have been Great force when lotr was starting out but now there almost always outmatch sure Aragorn or Boromir is left standing but is that really enough?
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:22 pm 
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I do believe that Gondor could use just a little of something else.

Some would argue you can add in a warband.

I think in a friendly game it would be fair to led Boromir Lead men from the Fiefdoms even if looking a bit weird. I also believe Prince Imrahil should be able to lead warriors of minis tirith.

What I dont believe is allowing their special rules and banners to work for each other.

The banner of arwen evenstar is the most expensive banner in the game over 55 points and that reach is only 6" and prevents courage checks.

If you were to make Imrahils banner count for warriors of Minas Tirith Id make him probably 50 more points. Thats a ridiculously powerful idea. Its already enough for his banner with KODA.

As for Boromir, same. Even those his banner is small, KODA with fight 5 on the charge is extremely overpowered and I believe would have to make them a few points more and tack a minimum 25 more on Boromir himself.

Mixing and matching Gondor and Fiefdoms warbands yes, Boromir and Imrahil interchanging banners and rules resounding NO.

Simply put....Gondor needs strength 4 somewhere.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:06 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:57 pm
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LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
I do believe that Gondor could use just a little of something else.

Some would argue you can add in a warband.

I think in a friendly game it would be fair to led Boromir Lead men from the Fiefdoms even if looking a bit weird. I also believe Prince Imrahil should be able to lead warriors of minis tirith.

What I dont believe is allowing their special rules and banners to work for each other.

The banner of arwen evenstar is the most expensive banner in the game over 55 points and that reach is only 6" and prevents courage checks.

If you were to make Imrahils banner count for warriors of Minas Tirith Id make him probably 50 more points. Thats a ridiculously powerful idea. Its already enough for his banner with KODA.

As for Boromir, same. Even those his banner is small, KODA with fight 5 on the charge is extremely overpowered and I believe would have to make them a few points more and tack a minimum 25 more on Boromir himself.

Mixing and matching Gondor and Fiefdoms warbands yes, Boromir and Imrahil interchanging banners and rules resounding NO.

Simply put....Gondor needs strength 4 somewhere.

No joke str4 is almost a must at least for the elite troops. Adding points to heavily and justly pointed model would be a lot to ask. I see what you mean rule wish but lore wise its rubbish. If they where to be merged and allowed at events i'd happy with banners sticking to there 2 sides.
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:58 pm 
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Glory4gondor wrote:
LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
I do believe that Gondor could use just a little of something else.

Some would argue you can add in a warband.

I think in a friendly game it would be fair to led Boromir Lead men from the Fiefdoms even if looking a bit weird. I also believe Prince Imrahil should be able to lead warriors of minis tirith.

What I dont believe is allowing their special rules and banners to work for each other.

The banner of arwen evenstar is the most expensive banner in the game over 55 points and that reach is only 6" and prevents courage checks.

If you were to make Imrahils banner count for warriors of Minas Tirith Id make him probably 50 more points. Thats a ridiculously powerful idea. Its already enough for his banner with KODA.

As for Boromir, same. Even those his banner is small, KODA with fight 5 on the charge is extremely overpowered and I believe would have to make them a few points more and tack a minimum 25 more on Boromir himself.

Mixing and matching Gondor and Fiefdoms warbands yes, Boromir and Imrahil interchanging banners and rules resounding NO.

Simply put....Gondor needs strength 4 somewhere.

No joke str4 is almost a must at least for the elite troops. Adding points to heavily and justly pointed model would be a lot to ask. I see what you mean rule wish but lore wise its rubbish. If they where to be merged and allowed at events i'd happy with banners sticking to there 2 sides.

Yeah for sure and elites do need strength four. Especially for good. You got cheap morannons and uruks and abrakhan and hunters too tough to stand toe to toe with some times.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:44 am 

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I guess you could argue that they do have str 4 in a way by having lances on the Knights but not on the basic troops. I still wonder about the killing power of the Bolt Thrower. I haven't used it yet but I feel like it could be awesome at killing/ scattering enemies.

I feel like Gondor really make up for what is lacking with versatility and cheap heroes that allow you to bring spam, elites and/or your big heroes without losing numbers or quality. I like the huge amount of options Gondor has and then if you want to splash Fiefdoms you are looking at that much more.

As far as this topic I wouldn't mind seeing a rule like Gildor's with the wood elves but being able to bring WoMT and/or KoMT. Not giving them any of his banner benefits or anything but just allowing some more versatility. Maybe do the same kind of thing on Denethor, Aragorn or Boromir or something. (Make them more enticing to take)
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 Post subject: Re: Mergeing Gondor and Fiefdoms
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:41 am 
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Weren't they always one and the same?

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