I love them, specially elf 3. Amazing stuff now looking almost professional work.
I love them. I always felt we were a bit short-changed on seeing so little of the Last Alliance. I know they filmed a lot more but it was cut out as the perception was that it made the FoTR too long. Maybe, but surely we could have got some more of it in the DVD/Blu-ray extras? The Numenorean troops looked fabulous too.
Brilliant, certainly a talent.
ThESE sculpts are amazing. Great work dude.
Thank you guys very much.
Wow, they are excellent. I would love a cast of them.
Really wonderful sculpting! I like the horsehair crests. They work surprisingly well for the elves.
I agree that you could probably sell a few of these Elf heroes.
These are amazing!!!! I totally love the helms on these guys!!! I want some!
Thank you so much

. maybe i am going to finish the 3rd elv and cast him new if you want?
Beautiful... Just plain beautiful...
You have great talent, we could see that from the start. Each time you bring out something more amazing and we run out of things to say!

You have the makings of a great sculptor. We will try to buy your sculpts sometime!
Wishing you the very best with your next project,
Elladan & Elrohir
Thanks you for the amazing words.

Thats a big motivation for me.
perfect work Ridgeback ! gil-galad conversion is very nice , you have create new cool second age elf with new decent pose !
any news about the dwarfs'?? i would like to see them finished and painted

Thank you haradrim .no im going to create new dwarves in the future because i didnt like the old ones.
Beautiful work! The sculpts are amazing and do indeed look very professional. Even the casts look superb! What do you use to cast? I've considered trying it myself a couple of times..
Thank you very much.For the molds i use a heat-resistant silicone rubber.
now its time for an update. after a lot of questions if i can cast the mounted version of my dwarf captain i decided to do it.... But i have sculpted a complete new one because the old one could not be casted and was not cool enough in my opinion.
Here are the results. i hope you like it. Complete sculpted and casted in metal.
First the Sculpted Version .

And here the Metal version.

Hope you like it.