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 Post subject: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:36 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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So shamelessly copying the idea of BrazenGolem on the last alliance, going to keep track of a battle company of Isengard as they bring ruin to the world of man :-D Mainly because I need something to take up my spare time over summer!
The only difference I intend to play with is that every time heroes gain 5xp, they too get the opportunity to be promoted, though they cannot be promoted into models that themselves cannot be heroes (E.g beserkers)
So the army
Shagrur: lieutenant with shield
Radbag: Sergeant with bow
Burz: Sergeant with shield
Uglur: Uruk with shield
Ghash: Uruk with sword
Lunrat: Uruk with sword
Yagor: Uruk with bow

Scenario one
Sergeant Aldor was a grey haired veteran of Rohan, he had been in his prime during the reign of Thengel and had seen the slow decline of Rohan as Theoden slipped into madness, determined not too sit idly bye as his people fell into ruin, he made forays into Isengard to find proof of Saruman's involvement in the orc raids. Not wanting to have his plans of deception foiled by some foolish soldier of Rohan, Saruman sent a freshly born pack of Uruk-Hai to hunt him down under the leadership of Shagrur. After days of tracking, Aldor and his men were trapped as they stopped to collect water from a river.
Aldor and his men are simply represented by a battle company of Rohan.
Report coming up shortly,by report I mean brief review :oops:
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:49 pm 

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Turn 1
Both forces advance at full sprint, the archers pausing to let loose arrows, however at this extreme range the arrows are largely ineffective.
Turn 2
Both forces continue charging onwards, the Uruk archers drawing their swords and joining the attack, eager for blood. The men of Rohan pause and let loose a volley of spears and arrows, the spears are sent flying high and wide, the snarling of the Uruks providing suitable distraction. The archer’s arrows fly true however, but Burz intercepts one with his shield and the other does naught but bruise and enrage Ghash.
Turn 3
The uruks seize the initiative and charge into the fray snarling for blood, the men of Rohan draw their swords and attempt to surround those Uruks who have stranded themselves in their fury. Burz contemptuously shoves two men back with his shield, for once having the sense to wait for help. Uglur does not fare so well, both men duck under his out stretched shield and thrust their blade deep into his gut. Lunrat finds himself outmatched by Aldor’s swordsmanship and is forced back by the old man though no fatal wounds are caused. The archers let loose as the men surge round the flanks, Radbags black fletched arrow sending a man tumbling mid stride.
Turn 4
Seeing a fearsome Uruk fall in combat the men surge onwards, their spears fly wide however or are simply dodged by the Uruks. Man and Uruk battle down the line, finding themselves equally matched in numbers. All down the line the Uruks find themselves undone by the men of Rohan and their flashing blades, Lunrat even falls beneath the blade of the Aging Aldor, however Shagrur proves himself worthy of leadership and hacks his foe down.
Turn 5
The Uruks rally to their leader and once more charge into the Rohirrim who are not yet able to bring their numerical advantage to bare. Burz once more shoves back his two foes with his great strength, the Uruks begin to show their greater endurance, only Ghash failing to best his foe whilst another man falls beneath the blade of Burz and Yagor also gets his first taste of man blood.
Turn 6
The men of Rohan charge back into the fray, seeking to avenge their fallen comrades, both leaders call out to their men, But Aldor proves the better leader and his men are the first to react. Once more the spears of Rohan fly wide of their target, and once more they find themselves no match for the fury of the Uruks, the last bowmen is hacked down beneath the blades of Yagor and Radbag, Radbag severing his head and adding it to his collection, whilst only a sturdy pendant worn around his neck stops Burz’s thrust into sergeant Madoc being fatal.
Turn 7
The Uruks begin to overwhelm the men, Aldor finds himself surrounded and his sergeants are too busy fighting for their lives to aid him. Penned in by two other Uruks, Aldor falls for Shagrur’s feint, but by luck it pierced naught but his leather Armour as he spun aside, only to spin and impale himself on Radbag’s waiting blade. The sergeants found themselves beaten back as their leader fell, giving ground to the foes.
Turn 8 +
The Uruks mopped up, one sergeant found himself trapped and fell beneath the hacking blades of the Uruks whilst the other sergeant fled for his life, though he too was eventually hunted down.
As Shagrur ordered his Uruk-Hai to gather the loot he inspected his wounded, Uglur had simply been knocked down and appeared capable off fighting once more, earning himself a swift kick for not returning to the fighting sooner, Lunrat however was still writhing on the floor, that old man had hurt him badly and he would need time to recover.

So after the battle Uglur makes a full recovery but Lunrat misses the next game, Radbag makes his promotion to gain a crossbow and heavy armour, also gaining a might point in the process, whilst Shagrur gains another attack but fails his promotion, with the 4 gold won from the loot however he buys himself and Burz a suit of heavy armour.
I have to admit at turn 4 I thought the Uruks were going to spiral into defeat, but from turn 5 on their dice were on fire and they only lost two or three combats! In addition to that Rohan didn't get a single archery kill, 9 throwing spears not managing to hit once! In the next scenario our Uruks will take on a force from Gondor :)
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:25 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:02 am
Posts: 127
In what book are the rules for advancement located?
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:51 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:02 pm
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Great battle report, I would be interested in seeing more of these (preferably with pictures!)

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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:00 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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generalripphook, Eurunion has an article up on here with all the rules on :) kb.php?a=259

Thanks for the feedback Isildurhh :), unfortunately I'm using battle chronicler for the battles, though I guess if people are interested in seeing the layout of the battle I could put them up. Any feedback is appreciated, whether people want more/less detail etc or any foes they'd like to the company face :)

Scenario 2
Aldor had clearly found something in Isengard that had confirmed his suspicions, he cad called upon his cousin in Gondor Arahil, to meet with him in Rohan, he hoped the council of a representative of Gondor would help sway King Theoden from his madness and see the threat of Saruman. Though it was too late for Adrahil to save his cousin, there was still plenty of time left to avenge him.
Adrahil and his band of warriors will be represented by a normal Minas Tirith battle company with an extra spear man, after this though Uruk-Hai will face a far more difficult foe do I don't want them having too difficult a game :)
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:11 pm 

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The Uruks fall into battle formation as they seen the Gondorians approaching, dropping the loot where it is as the heavily armored Uruks cover those with less protection from the arrows, Lunrat grins at the idea of a shooting war with his newly acquired crossbow. The Men of Gondor advance down the road, swords unsheathed and eager to avenge their fallen allies.
Turn 1
The men of Gondor advance at full speed, their archers pausing briefly to loose arrows, however at such extreme range they fly harmlessly wide. The Uruk-Hai stand their ground, eager to see Lunrat’s new weapon at work. However it flies harmlessly overhead the Gondorians, all its power worth naught with such poor aim.
Turn 2
Once more the men of Gondor advance, this time however their arrows slam forcefully into Burz’s shield. The Uruk return fire is of little consequence, Lunrat’s weapon proven a disappointment as it’s stopped by the Gondorian’s thick shields.
Turn 3
The Gondorians charge forward toether now, eager to avoid any casualties from the dreaded crossbow, but both Uruks arrows fly hideously high.
Turn 4
The useless archery is abandoned and man and Uruk crash into each other in a furious racket, the men of Gondor quickly find themselves outmatched, a sergeant falling beneath Shagrur’s lethal blade and Yagor hacking down his first kill, all across the line the men of Gondor are forced back, even their Lieutenant unable to pass Burz huge shield.
Turn 5
The men of Gondor are swamped by Uruk’s, Gorshag challenges their lieutenant, roaring furiously and beating against his shield, He charges into blade swinging, using all his might he knock away his sword and slams his sword into the man’s gut, alas his armour proves up to the task and his shield quickly bats away any further attempts. All around him however his man fare far worse, all fall beneath the lethal blades of the Uruk-Hai, no amount of luck or skill able to save them. Only his two archers manage to best Yagor who foolishly charged two men, though no fatal wounds are dealt.
Turn 6
The men of Gondor stay to fight to the end, though Adrahil has second thoughts and only his will to avenge Aldor keeps him fighting. Shagrur demands to be left the pleasure of killing Adrahil, and so the Uruk-Hai begin the charge towards the archers. Radbag comfortably bests his foe, far more capable at using his sword than crossbow, however to the surprise of the archer himself, he ducks under Yagors wild below and guts him in a move that shows considerable skill. Shagrur overcomes the man’s defences comfortably, but by some stroke of fortune he slipped and a strike that should have decapitated him simply remover the decoration from his helmet.
Turn 7
The four Uruks mob the final archer eager to avenge Yagor, meanwhile Shagrur continues his fatal duel with Adrahil, the Uruk comfortably overcome the archer but by some miracle his armour deflects all his blows! Adrahil to finds his armour deflecting the Crude blades of the Uruk hai and Shagrur finds himself unable to finish his foe.
Turn 8
In an act of consummate skill the Archer once more matches the uruk-Hai blow for bow, alas he finds himself overcome by their superior strength and finally succumbs to Burz’s wicked blade. Adrahil calls upon all his reserves and skills and his swordsmanship far exceeds that of Shagrur’s yet brute strength wins the day and Shagrur once more beats him back, this time bringing an end to the fight thrusting his blade through the poor lieutenant’s chest.

So after the battle Yagor makes a full recovery, although I was hoping for an easier battle for the Uruk's though I was surprised how easily the won it! I don't think they lost a single fight for the first two rounds and their high strength lets them quickly rack up the kills. After the battle Shagrur gained a point of might, Burz gained a point of strength and Lunrat gained a point of courage. The 4 Gold Yielded a Uruk-Hai beserker!! Which the company will need badly as they'll face two dwarf companies next in scenario 3.

Sorry for any spelling errors, I had an English exam today and have lost the will to check for spelling!! I shall amend them tomorrow :)
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:43 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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Scenario 3
Saruman had heard rumor of a dwarf company stalking the land of Rohan, apparently following a band of foreign men, seeing possible allies in these men and attempting to thwart the forces of the free people whenever possible, Saruman sent Shagrur and his company to hunt down the dwarven rangers and even gifted him with a deadly Uruk-Hai berserker to help penetrate the dwarfs thick armor. Unfortunately for Shagrur the Ranger company was simply a scouting company and was proceding the way of a more haevily armoured dwarf company.

Shagrur and his warband will deploy in position to ambush the Dwarven ranger company, they'll receive one free turn of shooting before priority is rolled for as normal. The scouting force will consist of 6 dwarf rangers and from the second turn onwards a dice will be rolled, if the dice roll and turn are equal to 8 or more the dwarven battle company will arrive. This will consist of a normal dwarven battle company unless the Uruk-Hai are doing particularly well in which case I'll strengthen it. Report up soon :)
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:52 pm 

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The Uruk hai emerge from the trees and let loose a volley of arrows, Radbags Cross bow sends a dart hurling through the air that easily pierces the rangers thin armour and leaves him bleeding on the floor.
Turn 1
The Uruk-Hair hurtle into the dwarves, the stout folk stand their ground and rush to aid their companions. To the surprise of the Uruk-Hai they find their charge repulsed, only Ghash manages to draw dwarf blood, hacking his foe to the floor while Shagrur and Gorluk barely evade harm.
Turn 2
The heavily armored dwarves appear on the field of battle, marching to their beleaguered allies. The Uruks seek to finish the dwarves while they still have the advantage, mobbing their foes in a sea of bodies. Calling upon all his might Radbag downs his foe with the aid of Gorluk, Shagrur draws blood from the dwarf lieutenant though by some stroke of fortune the wound is not crippling and he fights on. His companion beside him fares better, beating off his assailants but his blows only dent their thick shields.
Turn 3
The main dwarven force marches on, unbearably close to their beleaguered allies who desperately try to flee to the safety of reinforcements. Alas they find themselves mainly mobbed by the Uruks. The archers exchange a brief volley but the turmoil of battle makes shooting difficult and the arrows fly wide. By some miracle Anar survives once more, the foul Uruk blades unable to pierce his armor or guard. His companion is not so lucky and his body is slumps to the floor as he is hacked down by the Uruks.
Turn 4
The Uruks cede ground to the Dwarves not wanting to commit themselves, though Anar is once more fighting for his life. The Dwarves unleash of volley of arrows that leave Burz grunting as blood trickles down his arm, though no permanent damage is cause. Calling upon all his might Anar heroically beats of his assailants though his desperate blows fail to harm any of his attackers.
Turn 5
The Dwarves charge into combat with their bolstered forces matching the Uruk-Hai man for man. Combat is brutal, an archer falls beneath the skilled blade of Shagrur whilst Radbag is left with a gaping wound from a dwarven axe, a significant amount of luck sees the Dwarven sergeants escape harm from their Uruk-Hai counter parts and the battle hangs in the balance.
Turn 6
The dwarves charge back into the fray in a clash of steel. Shagrurs bloodthirst gets the better of him and in attempt to swiftly slay his opponent he finds his wild strike easily dodged before the but of an axe beats him back. The Dwarves began to take the advantage, Ghash falls beneath the blade of the sergeant whilst other combatants struggle to draw blood, weary from the fight.
Turn 7
The dwarves press their advantage, forcing the Uruks back step by step, The Uruk-Hai respond brutally, Shagrur hacking down a sergeant and Yaogr proving himself an apt foe in combat slaying his second dwarf single handedly. Elsewhere the combatants fail to pierce each other’s thick armor.
Turn 8
The Dwarves seek to restore their advantage and once more seize the initiative as they charge into battle! However they feel victory slipping from their grasp as Anar finally falls beneath Shagrur’s blades and the doughty dwarf sergeant succumbs to the fearsome Uruk beserker at last.
Turn 9
The dwarves stand their ground valiantly though it is all in vain as they succumb to the Uruk blades, only Nori yet lives and him only by some stroke of fortune.
The Uruk-Hai have some honour, Burz strolls forward to fight the dwarf lieutenant single handedly, the duel is brief, Burz retreating and soaking up the dwarfs assault on his thick armour before his swift retaliation ends the dwarfs life, his mighty strength making short work of the dwarfs armor.

Well the Uruks once more escape looking rather healthy, I though at turn 6 they would begin to fall as the dwarves had a couple of 2 on 1's but some good die rolling saw the Uruks turn the tables and the dwarves quickly fell apart, I'm not sure if my dice rolling is incredibly lucky or if I'm terrible at balancing scenarios but the Uruks are doing rather well for themselves.

Radbag makes a full recover while Ghash will miss the next game. to be promoted while Yagor bags himself a shiny new crossbow and set of armor. Burz becomes def 7 while Shagrur gains a point of fight.
If anyone has any ideas for scenarios they would be greatly appreciated :-D
Scenario 5
The Uruks soon come across the human band the Dwarves were tracking, However language soon becomes a problem as the men are from far away, as relations quickly break down the men resort to violence.

A normal pitched battle, the men of harad will have a warband of 4 archers and 8 spears, their sergeants will have two upgrades each and their lieutenant 4, The sergeants got bane of kings and a might for both, whilst the lieutenant became fight 5, gained an attack and bane of kings, if that doesn't kill some Uruks I don't know what will!
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:08 pm 

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Turn 1
The forces deployed opposite each other, both armies holding their ground in attempt to establish a ranged advantage, Burz moves to shelter the archers with his heavily armored body. Radbags arrow sent a man of Hard tumbling from his perch upon the hill. The Harad return fire clattered harmlessly from Burz’s armored form.
Turn 2
Realizing the power of the crossbows and deciding they would be best simply mobbing the outnumbered Uruks the men of Harad drop their bows and charge forward. Surprised by this change in tactic the Uruks bolts fly harmlessly overhead.
Turn 3
The men of Harad are within yards of the Uruk army yet still they stand their ground, Yagor’s Arrow goes flying towards the lieutenant but a brave soldier puts his body between his leader and the bolt, slowly collapsing as he gurgles blood.
Turn 4
The men of Harad lithely charge their foes, lunging forward with their deadly spears, the Uruks retaliate quickly trying to kill their leader swiftly before the men can bring their numbers to bare.
Shagrur calls upon all his reserves of skill and might in attempt to outmatch his opponent, his efforts are for nought however and his foes flashing spear fells Lunrat beside him. His companions find themselves evenly matched but a man falls to Gorluk’s frenzied attacks and Radbag barely escapes with his life.
Turn 5
The Uruks thud into the Harad lines, realizing they are dangerously outnumbered. The Uruk-Hai prove their ferocity in battle felling two men for no loss, the archers proving easy prey as the uruks begin to dominate the right flank. Shagrur however is nearly overcome by the Harad Lieutenant and only hist thick armour saves him from his virulent poisons.
Turn 6
The Men of Harad are first to recover, their light armour allowing them to sieze the initiative and pick the Uruks in place. In the battle for the right Flank Yagor falls to some deft spear work, his killing streak finally coming to an end, but Radbag cleaves his foe in two and the two archers are left to fight it ought. Burz just manages to survive the sergeants lethal spear, the blade cuts him deep but he seems unaffected by the poison. Both lieutenants throw all their might into their duel, the outcome rests on a knifes edge but Shagrur emerges the victor, his brute strength hammering the man back. An arcing slash tears the lieutenants robes apart, mere inches from gutting him.
Turn 7
The Uruks press their advantage against the men, Radbag is bested but unhurt, Gorluk decapitates two men with a fearsome swing of his weapon whilst Burz thrusts his swords into the sergeant’s gut, no amount of luck able to save him. Shagrur however is cut many times by the sharp blade of the lieutenant, and slowly tumbles motionless to the ground, poison coursing through his veins.
Turn 8
The Uruks charge into the men, desperate to avenge their leader, Uglur bests the final sergeant, his blade getting stuck in a pendant worn around the sergeants neck stops him from landing a killing blow. Gorluk and Burz avenge their leader and a blodd spatter frenzy, brutalizing their foes body till it is barely recognisable.
Turn 9
The Uruks mop up, bringing swift and merciless death to the Humans who were dare lay their leader low the last two men falling with little resistance.

Post battle: Both Yagor and Lunrat miss the next game, whilst Shagrur fortunately makes a full recover. Radbag gains a point of shoot while Burz rolls a 2 again! So chooses to gain an attack. Uglur gets a promotion and also becomes a hero! While Yagor fails to become a hero. With 8 gold in the bank the uruks roll on the reinforcement table a 2 is rolled but the use of 4 gold gets a roll on the elite table where the roll of a 6 sees an Uruk-Hai with crossbow added to the force.
The Uruks Finally began to take some serious casualties this round though once more are very fortunate on the recovery rolls, I’m yet to think of another scenario so any Ideas would be welcome :oops: :-D
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:47 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:02 am
Posts: 127
Maybe fight a band from Mordor that was going to aid in the capture of merry and pippin.

Or a band of elves?
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:31 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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Sure :), So scenario 6 can see them take on a band of vengeful high elves but
Scenario 5:
Saruman had heard rumor of a group of hobbits in his land. With the possibility of one being the ring bearer, Saruman sent his trusted lieutenant Shagrur to bring them back. However little did he Know that Sauron had got the news long ago, and he too had sent a band of orcs to return the hobbits to him.
So there'll be 5 hobbits, they'll move d6 inches in a random direction every priority, when one force is reduced to 25 percent the team with most hobbits wins. To be in a possession of a hobbit you must pick it up and it counts as a heavy object. The orc band will be led by Ufgaz who leads a hefty band of 14 other orcs. Report up soon :)
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:39 am 

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Turn 1
The hobbits finds themselves trapped between two savage bands of orcs, neither of which look particularly friendly so they split and run. To the misfortune of the Uruks the orcs seem to appear less scary and many hobbits run towards them. Both forces run hell for leather towards the hobbits, the orcs managing to seize three quickly whilst the Uruks fall just short of the other two. Any attempts at archery fail miserably, the sprinting targets proving too difficult to hit.
Turn 2
Those hobbits that are still free continue their desperate flight, both still heading towards the orcs and away from the uruks. The orcs are unable to retreat with the hobbits, being chared by the ferocious Uruks, but one sergeant does quietly slip away, hobbit in tow. Combat is about equal, an orc falling to the blades of Shagrur whilst uglur is hacked down and surrounded by 4 orcs.
Turn 3
One hobbit still eludes the forces grasp, his little legs pumping hard as he flees his would be captors. The orcs clash with Uruks in the center, two hobbits cowering terrified as the orc monstrosities fight around them. But two other hobbits are safely within the orcs grasp, slowly retreating back to Mordor. The uruks get the better of this combat, felling two orcs for one Uruk, Ghash falling beneath the thrustof an orc spear and Nuzu claiming his first kill for the company.
Turn 4
The final hobbit is finally run down by the orcs, the Uruks are yet to claim a hobbit and are becoming surrounded in the swirling melee in the middle. The uruks lay into their foes with lethal efficiency, Burz and Nazu claiming their second kills of the game while Radbag and Gorluk beat back their foes. Shagrur duels the enemy leader and his companion, both leader give every ounce of their might, ducking and dodging fatal blows and launching furious attacks of their own, but at the end it is the orc leader who slumps to the ground lifeless.
Turn 5
Once more the Uruks charge into the fray, finally securing two hobbits for themselves, however the other two are far out of reach, 3 orcs slowly slinking away to safety. The Uruks continue their efficient slaughter of the orcs. Gorluk disembowelling two in a brutal swing, with Burz and Radbag also cutting down their foes. However Shagrur finds himself undone by two bowmen and slumps to the ground unmoving, their filthy dagger still hacking into his frame.
Turn 6
The Uruks seek to swiftly finish of their present foes, but in a rare display of intelligence Gorluk gives chase to the hobbit carrying orcs. As their numbers begin to dwindle the orcs find their courage deserting them, the sergeants continuing their desperate flight home, but a bowman decides discretion is the better part of valour and flees from the brawl in the middle. The orcs are on the verge of breaking, one sergeant hears the punding footsteps of Gorluk as he hunts him down. Radbag and Nuzu, crank back their crosswbows, breath out slowly and release two bolts at the fleeing sergeant who is inches away from safety. Radbag is put off by the returning orc archer, his shot flying overhead, but Nuzu’s arrow flies straight and true, no amount of luck could save the sergeant as orc and hobbit are sent tumbling to the floor.
Turn 7
With that fateful shot the orcs are reduced to 25%, both sides managed to secure two hobbits before the orcs fled the field. The Gorluk was one turn away from the final sergeant.

Shagrur grimaced as he put weight back on his injured leg, the orc blades had been poisoned and they’d had to hack of his corrupted foot before it spread. Though they’d managed to make a foot shaped replacement from the loot on the battlefield, he knew he’d never move as swiftly again. Uglur had still not risen from the floor but writhed in pain from the ragged cut to his body, he’d need time to recover but Ghash looked as furious as ever, his only pain now was that he’d missed out on the slaughter of the feeble orcs.

(Ghash makes a full recovery, Uglur will miss the next game, Shagrur gets a leg wound, Burz got a two again! Chosing to gain a wound, somehow both Shagrur and Radbag rolled a 4! Shagrur gaining a wound and Radbag an attack, The post battle rolling for this company so afr has been incredible!)

For scenario 6, as the Uruks return to Isengard they are ambushed by a warband of Elves clad for war,10 High Elves, the Sergeants with an upgrade each and the Lieutenant with 2. Both sergeants got a might point while the Lieutenant gained fight 6 and the parry special rule.
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:34 am 

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The Elven assault is preceded by a volley of arrows as they emerge from the trees. Yagor collapses lifeless as an arrow sprouts from his chest, Radbag raises his arm to scratch his head, and the fatal shot instead pierces his arm instead, gritting his teeth and using his might Radbag pulls it out.
Turn 1
The Uruks reel from the assault and the elves charge into the flank of the Uruks, the archers creeping round the back of the marching column, cutting of any retreat and ready to shoot down any stragglers. The Uruk-Hai meet their adversaries with steel. Yagor hammers back his foe but to the fortune of the sergeant he stumbles as he steps in to finish him. Burz and Gorluk also recover from the ambush quickly and hack down an elf apiece, though the other Uruk-Hai find themselves ceding ground to their more skilled opponents.
Turn 2
The elves continue to press their numerical advantage, the archers charging into the fray and overwhelming the Uruk rear. The archers are slaughtered beneath the vengeful blades of the elves, Radbag and Nuzu both falling. Both Gorluk and Shagrur cannot get past the shields of their opponents but Burz simply hacks through his oppositions shield with his great strength.
Turn 3
The elves continue to assail the Uruks, Hemming them in in a tightening noose. Gorluk hews down his foe but the other Uruk-Hai fail to land any telling blows on the agile elves. Lunrat falling beneath the deadly blades of the archers.
Turn 4
The elves are relentless in their assault, Giving the Uruk-Hai no time to recover. Gorluk forces his opponent back with huge swings of his sword though he is unable to land any blows. Burz finds his strength no match for sergeants swordplay and staggers back under his assault. In an incredible diplay of skill Ghash takes on 3 elves, parrying their blows and forcing each one back, even capitalizing upon ones stumble hewing him down in a red fury. Shagrur also finds himself bested, his considerable skill is still unable to match that of an elf with hundreds of years of experience, though his armor proves a tougher foe to best.
Turn 5
Again the elves charge into the fray and again the Uruks find themselves trapped against their greater numbers. Gorluk fares better this time, an upwards blow sents his foe sprawling and shieldless and he steps in to finish the job. Burz finds himself again outmatched, the sergeant throwing all his might into a blow that leaves Burz deeply cut but still fighting. Again Ghash overcomes two elves but this time they jump swiftly back and he is unable to land a telling blow. Shagrur finds himself with no time to launch an offensive agains the flashing blades of his foes, but neither are they able to pierce his armor or guard and the battle goes on.
Turn 6
The Uruks are given no time for rest and the elves continue their brutal assault, though their numbers are beginning to falter. An archer ducks under Gorluks wild swing, hammering him back with the hilt of his sword. Burz is finally able to overcome his foe, bearing him to the ground and savaging him. Even left to face Shagrur alone the Elven Lieutenant overcomes him and forces him backwards. Ghash is finally bested by the two elves sent to battle him and he survives by the skin of his teeth, suffering several bad cuts.
Turn 7
Finally the orcs seize the initiative from the elves and counter charge their ruthless assault. Burz confidently charges the elf archer but underestimates his foe and pays for it with his life, falling to the floor unmoving. Gorluk doesn’t fare much better, forced backwards by his single foe, Ghash however returns to old form and overcomes the sergeant he is fighting, though he fails to take advantage of it. Both leaders throw their might into the battle and Shagrur finally overcomes his foe though is unable to leave any lasting damage.
Turn 8
The Uruk-Hai continue with their counter attack,Gorluk taking on two elves and paying for his arrogance with a sword to the stomach, Shagrur once more loses out to the Elf lieutenant,proving a far deadlier foe than he anticipated, Ghash lands another fatal blow on an unsuspecting elf surprising everyone with his formidable skill.
Turn 9+
As shagrur duels the Lieutenant and sergeant the Lieuntenat lets his guard slip for a moment and was lucky to escape with his life, Ghash cuts down yet another archer and rushes to the aid of his commander. Where he proceeds to cut down the elf sergeant without breaking stride! The lieutenant battles for many long minutes, even wounding Shagrur at one point, but eventually he succums to fatigue and falls beneath Shagrurs blade.
Lunrat, Gorluk, Nuzu, Yagor all make a full reovery in some incredible rolls. RAdbag suffered an arm wound while Burz will miss next game, Ghash is promoted and deservingly becomes a hero, though the company has now reached their 5 hero maximum. Shagrur gains yet another attack and Radbag gains deadeye, I forgot that Uglur had become a hero previously and so rolled on the hero injury table to see if he would have suffered any lasting effects but he still made a full recovery.

So the Uruks finally took some heavy casualties! with Just two men left standing, I though that we'd Finally see a Uruk fall but there were some incredible post match rolls. Haven't thought of a scenario as of yet for the next one, so any ideas would be appreciated, but thinking I'll start putting them in battles against named heroes, like in the fords of Isen or taking a tower at helms deep. :)
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 6:29 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:02 am
Posts: 127
Maybe Theodred and his bodyguards at the Ford's of Isen?
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:56 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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So Shagrur and his band of loyal Uruks participated in the battle of the Fords of Isen, to their fortune they found a weak point in the Rohan defense of the hill, and so managed to breakthrough and reach Theodred. Seeing the opportunity for much glory Shagrur charged into the fray, knowing he had only a limited amount of time before the other Uruks arrived and claimed the kill for themselves.
SO Shagrur and his band vs 9 rohan royal guard and theodred with shield. The Uruks have ten turns to slay Theodred, if they don’t manage it in that time then some Uruk hero off greater renown will arrive and steal the kill.
Turn 1
The Uruks deploy just away from the hill and begin their march towards it, the Guard of theodred await their foes at the top of the hill, sheltering their lord with their bodies. The first volley of crossbow bolts sends a Royal guard tumbling down the hill, a bolt firmly embedded in his stomach.
Turn 2
The men of Rohan once more stand their ground, crossbow bolts thudding into solid wooden shields.
Turn 3
The Uruks advance to within yards of Theodred, Radbag putting all his might into a fatal shot that sends a man tumbling to the ground without a sound.
Turn 4
The Uruks charge into the fray, eager to draw Royal blood. Theodred is desperate to escape, and seeks to swiftly defeat his foe and aid his companions. Alas he slips as he battles his foe and it requires most of his strength and might to best him, Unfortunately for him the creature is lucky, his blow ringing harmlessly from the skull of a defeated foe, throwing the last of his might into a brutal attack he hacks his foe down, and Ghash is the first Uruk to fall to the prince of Rohan. He charges on into Lunrat, trapped between three fell men of Rohan he too succumbs to the prince’s blade. Uglur is beaten back by his fell adversary as the guard seek to match their liege in ferocity. Gorluk fares marginally better forcing his foe back though only he only hammers his shield into ruin. Shagrur proves why he is leader and in a show of incredible strength and skill, despatches of two of the finest Rohan can must without breaking a sweat.
Turn 5
The men of Rohan seek to capitalise on their princess success and seize the initiative, using it to charge into the vulnerable crossbowmen. Uglur bests the foe he is fighting, comfortably cutting him down. Gorluk too return to old form, his foes tattered shield unable to protect him as he is sent rolling down the hill. Shagrur easily best his foe but it requires a mighty strike to pierce his foes finely crafted mail. Distracted by the slaughter of his guard Theodred finds himself forced back by the savage crossbowmen,proving themselves less vulnerable than he anticipated. His guard fare better, forcing back the Uruk-Hai but unable to land a lethal blow.
Turn 6
Seeking to end matters swiftly, Shagrur strides forward to duel the prince of Rohan, his followers giving them space as they finish the slaughter of Theodred’s bodyguard. Somehow one of theordred’s men fights on, his desperation to save his lord allowing him to weather the blows of many Uruk-Hai. His companion is not so skilled, swiftly cut down by Radbags blade. In a tense duel theodred gets the better of shagrur but is unable pierce his thick armour.
Turn 7
The brave guard of Theodred, despite being surrounded, manages to match his foes blow for blow, with some significant effort however he is finally overcome, falling beaneath Uglurs blade. Theodred launches a furious attack that sends Shagrur reeling, Aldors head the only thing stopping the final blow being fatal.
Turn 8
Furious at his inablitiy to best the prince of Rohan, Shagrur throws all his rage into his blows, bringing him to a level of skill the prince cannot match. He bests the prince but cannot get past his finely wrought mail.
Turn 9
With time running out Shagrur calls to his companions to help him finish the job. Shame lending strength to his blows. Hemmed in by countless Uruk-Hai, the Prince of Rohan lets his guard drop and Shagrur capitalizes, two ruthless thrust are enough to send the prince to his knees as Shagrur bends back his neck and sets about collecting his prize.

Ghash suffers a deep scratch and misses the next game, Lunrat fares better and makes a swift recovery though isn’t promoted. Uglur gains a point of courage, as does Radbag though Shagrur gains a special rule, a roll of 3 sees him gaining parry.
So Theodred’s guard fell surprisingly easy, though theodred put up a tougher fight than I anticipated, very nearly killing Shagrur if not for a lucky fate roll. The fame and renown gained from slaying a prince of Rohan saw an Uruk Hai warrior with shield joining the company that went by the name of Mauduf, Shagrur was more than happy to accept his company as he saw the Furious Grimbold cutting a path towards him and his men.
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:22 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:02 pm
Posts: 532
Location: Kildare, Ireland
Really good reports so far, your descriptive writing really adds to the story arc of these Uruk Hai. They seem unbeatable so far, even with your addition of a named hero to the opponents... can't wait for more. Let's see them storm Helm's Deep! (although they'd probably win at this rate...)

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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:04 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
Posts: 82
Location: Nottingham , Retford
Thanks :) Next scenario will see them up against Grimbold and 15 Helmlinga's, though Grimbold will have burly as it seems appropriate for him. That should certainly give them a good pounding!
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:03 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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So the Uruk hai are placed on the hill where Theodred fell, Grimbold leads his personal guard in an assault to save the fallen prince, The Uruk-Hai must simply survive and escape! Grimbold will receive the following boosts to his profile, both due to personal opinion that he should be stronger and due to his furious rage at Theodreds death. To represent his anger fueled skill he may call a heroic strike each turn for free, Him and all his men also automatically pass any courage tests until Grimbold is killed. Grimbold also gains a point of might, point of fate, the burly special rule and heavy armor.
Turn 1
The men of Rohan surge forward to the body of their prince, desperate for vengeance, the Uruks calmly stand their ground and unleash a volley of crossbow bolts, a man of Rohan stops mid stride, Radbag’s bolt pitching him backwards.
Turn 2
The men of Rohan continue their desperate charge, bellowing for vengeance, the Uruks unleash another point blank volley from the top of the hill into the rear ranks of men as Shagrur leads his close combat troops down the hill and into the fray. Radbag’s deadly eye claims another kill as a man tumbles lifeless to the ground, combat is brutal, Shagrur forces his opponents back and cuts down two men, this feeble soldier’s easy prey after the might of prince Theodred. Gorluk and Uglur both slay their foes though Burz stumbles downhill and is beaten back, Lunrat bests his foe but is unable to slay him.
Turn 3
The Uruks hold the imitative with their furious charge and continue into the mass of men. The desperate brawl takes place at the bottom of the hill, crossbows put aside in favour of swords as Radbag follows the charge downhill. Shagrur once more cuts down two foes, his blade lethal to any who dare face it, though it requires all his might Radbag also slays his foe. The uruks force the men back all down the line, though only Gorluk slays his foe, Burz faces Grimbold down in single combat and only fate stops the mighty leader from being wounded.
Turn 4
Grimbold Urges his men to act and counters the Uruk-Hai charge, the men finding themselves on the defensive as the tables are turned. Shagrur Is beaten back by the solid shield of a warrior, the tactic proves effective, the Uruk-Hai forced back down the line, aside From Gorluk and Burz who simply hammer through the mens shields with their huge weapon. Grimbold fells his first Uruk as Nuzu fails to parry his mighty swings.
Turn 5
The Uruk-Hai barely pause in their assault as they mob the remaints of Grimbolds men, Grimbold himself facing down a deadly uruk-Hai beserker, Shagrur is again forced back by the doughty warrior, though he could best Radbag Burz proves too much for the Helmlinga and he falls to his blade. Grimbolds other companion desperately fends off 3 Uruk-Hai, cowering behind his shield. The mighty Grimbold bests the Uruk-Hai in one blow! Proving that the Men of Rohan were not yet bested!
Turn 6
The men of Rohan steel themselves against the seemingly immortal Uruk-Hai, only their leader seems capable of facing them. Shagrur finally overcomes his foe but drags out the kill in vengeance for the delay, Grimbold’s final companion once more beats of the 3 Uruk-Hai surrounding him! Grimbold and Burz duel once more. Though he is bested Grimbold remains Unharmed,
Turn 7+
Shagrur bests the final companion of Grimbold, whilst Burz and Grimbold duel on, both struggle to land a telling blow though luck finally deserts Grimbold and Burz lands a fearsome blow that leaves Grimbold gasping.The mighty warrior of Rohan fights on however, pain lending gim strength as Hacks Burz down in swift vengeance, alas for him Shagrur strides forwards and cuts down the impudent captain of Rohan where he stands, as Elfhelm and his men arrive, Shagrur gathers his wounded and joins in the Uruk-Hai retreat.

So once more the Uruk-Hai triumph, they truly slaughtered the men of Rohan and I was not anticipating such a decisive victory! Both Burz and Gorluk make full recoveries as the good rolls continue, though the first casualty of the company is Nuzu! Grimblod's axe nearly splitting the poor Uruk in twain. In retrospect I actually forgot to give the Uruk-hai their new Uruk-Hai Mauduf in this battle and to use Shagrur’s parry rule, I also tried to give Grimbold 1v1’s to let the man have a chance at glory, though the Uruk-hai did still triumph.
Uglur gains a point of strength,Burz an attack, Radbag a fight as his shoot can’t go any higher and another 4 see’s Shagrur reach his 4th wound. I’ve honestly never rolled so many 4’s for a battle company! Next scenario I think shall see them attempt to scale a ladder at helms deep, facing off against Gimli, and then working their way through the heroes that were present their, with plenty of warrior support.
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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:39 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:02 pm
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Can their wound stat go any higher than 3? I thought three was the max, although I confess that that's for no particular reason. Gimli will give them a run for their money.

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 Post subject: Re: Battle company of Isengard
PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:09 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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That was typo it should say 3rd wound! :) Indeed he should give Shagrur a duel to remember! I'm thinking two ladders, on a strip of Wall and and a tower, 4 rohan archers,4with shield+throwing spears and 4 with shield led by a captain of Rohan and Gimli. I think that should be plenty for them, with a 5+ in the way from the wall?
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