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 Post subject: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:57 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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I´ve been looking for elves to compete on this list unlike of what I usually do, lets see what you guys think about it.

Elves 750points

Warband 1
Gil Galad on horse with shield

Warband 2
Thranduil, King of Mirkwood (Free people sourcebook)
6 Galadhrim warriors with hand weapon(axe)
6 wood elves with spear

Warband 2
Legolas with armour and elven cloak
6 Galadhrim warriors with hand weapon(axe)
6 mirkwood guard with elven bows

Warband 3
Rúmil with cloak
6 Galadhrim warriors with hand weapon(axe)
3 wood elves with spear
3 mirkwood guard with elven bows and (2x with spear)

Warband 4

models: 41
might: 12
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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:08 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:19 am
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I know that axes are useful, but I think elves never used axes in their lives, not even for cutting trees.

That aside, I think it's a powerful army. As good might and good numbers. Low defence is something wood elves cannot escape. Axes and few bows: those elves look a lot like tall dwarves!

But I think this army is dangerously vulnerable to magic. At 750, a Mordor player usually fields a Nazgul on fell beast, if not two.
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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:18 pm 
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yea good call I meantioned axes cause there competitive.
Either way why galadhrim with axes?

many enemy armies have S4 out there and reducing defence 4 to 3 makes no relevance vs S4 as either needs a 4+, so the galadhrim will actually benefit from it more than making ill as basically they ignore 1 of 3 chances the lower defence gonna matter.

They do get relevant vs other S3 units however, but still better risk that than nothing.
As for wood elves with axes I wouldnt risk as dropping defence 3 to 2 as it will make a significant diference against S4 troops and even enemy S2 bows.

About the Vulnerable to magic yea I´ve been considering I had holes vs that. My big nasty guy its a king on horse which makes like a magnet bullet to nazguls to try to neutralize him (and they should though)

I´ve been considering replacinge maybe legolas (cause is the only 100ish pts models and 2/3 more warriors and get the white council galadriel (BOTFA version) as it makes an incredible spirit neutralizer and also a valuable ally to enhance my magic defences and some of my squishy elven weaknesses, suffering from shooting.

As for Thranduil I really just wanting him for his spells and giving my elves a 2+ shooting making them highly accurace.

Rúmil would be my spank spank character to hit the enemy lines and hold as thx to his parry ability to deny natural 6´s of the enemy,this can potencial prove deadly to face of trolls and other things allowing me to hold the line better (as for Thranduil is not as good for melee) and gil galad is far 2 busy to pierce the enemy lines....

Still another problem shows up is that if I decide for that galadriel 1 of the warbands will be completly lost, unless if I lose 12 warriors somehow and get 2 white council members... (Galadriel and erestor?)
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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:24 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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many enemy armies have S4 out there and reducing defence 4 to 3 makes no relevance vs S4 as either needs a 4+, so the galadhrim will actually benefit from it more than making ill as basically they ignore 1 of 3 chances the lower defence gonna matter.

you actually have 2 out 3 chances that a def 4 model will be reduced to at least def 2. That means, in case of defeat, every model wounds on 3. Of course, High Fight value is elves saving grace, but you have no banner and few multiple attacks models. Imagine to lose to a pike formation: that is certain death, without even needing S4 models.
Personally, I never called a piercing strike, but that's because I play dwarves and I'm not always willing to sacrify their high defence.

When I look at this army, I think you're heroes are the right pick. But still, you may have to sacrify one to get the new galadriel. Any Nazgul will open with Sap Will on Gil Galad, and then will spend the rest of the game trying to immobilize him, which will force you to be extremely careful for the rest of the game. Magic users see Gil-Galad as a big, golden target.
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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:14 am 
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I think I wouldn't take Gil galad and I would look to fit Galadriel in for blinding light and immobilize, ect.

If you want a beefy elf hero I might go Thranduil, king of the woodland realm, (BOFA), take him leading troops, so you aren't wasting points on a hero with out filling out his warband. That being said King of mirkwood is a total steal at his points and probably one of my favorite models.

I am not a huge fan of the mirkwood guard or of galadrim for that matter so I would drop of the guard upgrades and the galadrim and just toss more wood elves with spears out there.

I think this is strong list though and I suspect any changes made will really only tweak your chances against certain match ups so depending on what you think you might see and what will hassle you go from there.


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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:13 pm 
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very good call Dikey and Polywags....

Although Gil Galad is better than even that Thranduil in some ways.
- he hardly need to call heroic strikes
- he got an "improved lance" on horse and on foot(as either get that +1 to wound
- he got a very high defence and can shield himself on foot.
- if he wounded he can still support fights i nthe 2nd rank :P
- 12" stand fast range

In comparison what he lacks its the extr attacks vs multiple foes and 2 fate and also means I could "transfer galadhrim as mirkwood elves".
I think Thranduil King of the woodland realm would also be a big golden target regardless....and squishier from shooting by far.

I really need to make a tweak around here
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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:36 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:18 pm
Posts: 90
Is it really legal to give elves axes? A weapon they never use? Axes are brute force, elves are about grace, speed and skill.

I think if GW actually noticed people were doing this they'd put out a ban on the thing. It just seems so ridiculous to me.

Apart from that, the list is nice, ignoring the axe thing.
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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:21 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:50 pm
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Erestar wrote:
Is it really legal to give elves axes? A weapon they never use? Axes are brute force, elves are about grace, speed and skill.

I think if GW actually noticed people were doing this they'd put out a ban on the thing. It just seems so ridiculous to me.

Apart from that, the list is nice, ignoring the axe thing.

In Germany we ruled it the way, a warrior only is allowed to be equipped with a specific hand weapon, if there is a GW model of this warrior with that hand weapon. So for example dwarf warriors are allowed to have swords or axes, because there are models with swords and models with axes. Warriors of Minas Thirit are only allowed to use swords and so on...
If someone wants to have axes on his elves, because he likes the look it's fine, too (of course we are not forbidding anybody to do something he wants with the models he paid for), but he isn't allowed to use the special strike ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:37 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:18 pm
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Frêrin wrote:
Erestar wrote:
Is it really legal to give elves axes? A weapon they never use? Axes are brute force, elves are about grace, speed and skill.

I think if GW actually noticed people were doing this they'd put out a ban on the thing. It just seems so ridiculous to me.

Apart from that, the list is nice, ignoring the axe thing.

In Germany we ruled it the way, a warrior only is allowed to be equipped with a specific hand weapon, if there is a GW model of this warrior with that hand weapon. So for example dwarf warriors are allowed to have swords or axes, because there are models with swords and models with axes. Warriors of Minas Thirit are only allowed to use swords and so on...
If someone wants to have axes on his elves, because he likes the look it's fine, too (of course we are not forbidding anybody to do something he wants with the models he paid for), but he isn't allowed to use the special strike ;)

I was born in Germany, it seems I'm destined to return to the land of my birth to find people who agree with me haha.

That's a very fair way of putting it. I like it on dwarves as that's their 'thing' so to speak. It just seems crazy on Elves, considering their high fight value and such.
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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:15 am 
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Sure he can get shot at but if you take Galadriel thats not as big of a concern.


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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:15 am 
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Joined: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:09 am
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Sure he can get shot at but if you take Galadriel thats not as big of a concern.


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 Post subject: Re: Elves competitive 750
PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:56 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:19 am
Posts: 508
Frêrin wrote:
In Germany we ruled it the way, a warrior only is allowed to be equipped with a specific hand weapon, if there is a GW model of this warrior with that hand weapon. So for example dwarf warriors are allowed to have swords or axes, because there are models with swords and models with axes. Warriors of Minas Thirit are only allowed to use swords and so on...
If someone wants to have axes on his elves, because he likes the look it's fine, too (of course we are not forbidding anybody to do something he wants with the models he paid for), but he isn't allowed to use the special strike ;)

What a beutiful country.
I couldn't agree more.

I think Thranduil King of the woodland realm would also be a big golden target regardless....and squishier from shooting by far.

Thranduil comes with elven cloak. As long as he's horseless, he can avoid being targeted. F7, 4 atks while on foot, and even more when engaged with multiple opponents. Being less expensive than Gil-Galad w/shield and hores, you can add 3,4 more elves. Not much, but still useful.
But still, Thranduil or Gil-Galad, those combat beasts are always the main target. You should try them, and see which fits your army better.

By the way, Gil-Galad shouldn't be able to support: Aeglos doesn't follow the rules for spears.
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