I am not just talking about only overpriced models, of course. But models that disappoint you once you look at their rule. They may even be well balanced and good, in their way, but that's just not what you were expecting.
Arwen: All those points for only natures wrath. I get it.....shes support, but I was just hoping for Something cooler from her.
Right. But I also wonder why on earth she has fight 6. Even in the movie, she just barely draws her sword. Am I supposed to think she has been trained so hard in the art of fighting pitifully? But, even with my "judgement suspended" she's still overpriced.
Esterling: introduced as warriors, trained in the arts of war. They are not bad for their points, but nothing special: minas tirith in red and gold. the Black Dragon upgrade is overpriced.
What really bothers me is that esterling are described as fine warriors, elité and stuff when they are not. They are regular infantry.
Anduril: for the same price, you can get a Faramir. Makes Aragorn way overcosted, considering that, for that much points, your opponent can get a troll captain a mordor troll.
Grimhammers: How could I forget to mention them? I hate them. For the same points, you get a Khazad Guard, with one more Strengh, one more Defence and a Bodyguard rule. With the new rules, throwing weapons is not as effective as it was, and they are expensive.
Eagles: Ok, they fly. But they are nowhere near as powerful as Mordor trolls. Gwaihir is extremely disappointing.
Knight of the white tower: I expected more from a master-of-arms.
King's Huntsman: the inability to lead a warband and to mount a horse kills him.
New Legolas: fight 7, 3 attacks. I know that it's supposed to mirror the movie, but is plain ridicolous (just like defiying gravity scene). Legolas is an archer, not a warrior. I say BAH because of how powerful they made him. Unfair. He took enough of the spotlight in the movie (and that's from one who said
"it's ok from him to be there. He's the son of Thranduil, after all". Totally changed my mind). Oh, and he also got orcrist.
CIRDAN: No words about it. unarmed, unarmored, no offensive spell and limited will. For a lot of points.
Celeborn: Ain't bad for what it is. But at the same price you find Glorfindel and Gil-Galad. Pays too much for his limited magic.
hobbit's Balin: Balin was supposed to be younger than Thorin, but that's PJ's fault. That aside, I hated that GW decided to ignore its own continuity.
Eowyn: there's no way in hell she could ever do something even close to what she did in the book/movie.
Halbarad: can use his bow while holding a banner, but he still has the penalty when fighting??? What the heck??
Thrain: Same problems I have with Celeborn. Ain't bad, but for that price you can find better. If your opponent's army does not include Azog, it's a waste of points.
Shieldbearer: many love him, but I don't. I expected him to be something more.