Awesome advice thanks guys!
We just had an 800 point game where I took Beorn + Legolas as well as my normal Thorin + Dwalin with warriors of erebor shield wall.
The scenario was Reconnoitre and the board had a small walled village (with alley ways about the size of a cavalry base for the most part but monster size bases for a small portion) - this took up about a quarter situated around the middle. With some hills and trees scattered around it.
He also had Saruman + Mahaur with an isengard troll, scout marauders and berserkers.
I deployed Legolas first on my left side and Thorin with full warband of shields + spears in turn one. He deployed the scouts in his centre and Bolg’s warband directly across from Legolas

. He proceeded to shoot out Bolg's warg in turn 1 which scared him to rush the warg pack in too quickly. This left me some manoeuvrability with the shield wall so I could bottle neck as much as I could in the village.
Bolg used his warg pack as buffers to stop my charging which allowed him to get to Thorin. They had an epic battle for most of the game both heroic striking lots but in the end Thorin used up all his might, will and fate plus saruman kept immobilizing him so he never had a chance 1v1 against Bolg. I got a late priority and charged Bolg with other warriors and got thorin out of there.
Beorn couldn’t get into the game much until the end as he found it hard to get through the village but he was my leader so I was sort of ok with that. Legolas did his main goal in shooting out Bolg’s warg plus a few others but I didn’t advance him quick enough so he only got into 2-3 fights.
Bolg though, without his warg loses so much of his punch. Happy that I could eliminate that headache. Cheers