Grungehog wrote:
I think Bard the bowman should be on the options, call heroic acuracy with him and almost guarantee 3 S4 shots with the otpion of an auto wound with the black arrow
New legolas is too versatile, in LotR 9 heroes struggled to kill one cave troll in moria, this legolas can go rambo toe to toe with a mordor troll and in combat or go on a rampage through orc ranks with orcrist, that isn't counting the fact he can spend his time being a sniper in the back in the meantime murderring anything in his path atop a horse.
Dwallin is the perfect monster killer, either going 3 attacks with burly and Strength 5 or just going mental with 2 axes with A4, and now with D8 he is really dangerous
Durin, this guy is a tough mother. +1 to wound, D9 terror, and essentially a fury save, it's a pity he doesn't have more might for heroic combats really

Gilgalad F9, +1 to wound, terror, definitely give him a armoured horse and a shield, this guy is murder on wheels
As for bard thing about it....hes the same points pretty much as the new legolas, with in comparison, a garbage fight value and less in some other areas. Furthemore, for those points in general, Bard is way to squishy. I didnt even choose Legolas in the top 5 for the same reasons. He has less wounds, and when I used him in an all hero match against my friend, his bow did nothing against high enemy armor and he doesnt have enough attacks.
As for him being "too versatile" thats exactly what you want in this game. Orcrist will probably be useless but otherwise hes awesome.
And I completely agree with your assumptions of the dwarves....and Ive faced Dain many times...always such a pain in the rear.
As for GilGalad...he worries me. Hes obviously a beast, but at the same time he has 1 fate and monsters can destroy him if they win a fight. Sure....hes more likely to win....but that one wrong roll and theyre either chucking him 6-10 inches or rending him to death.
jdizzy001 wrote:
I voted capt boromir. He gets so much for less than 200 pts. 6/3/3, shield, horn, sky high def, looks awesome, and he's a human. However, gil galad is also powerful and highly under used. The new elrond is awesome as is elendil. I CANT CHOOSE, so many good pieces! You cant rule out king elesar either. Anduril is hard to beat, especially with the free might every turn.
Yeah I have always wanted to paint and use my Captain Boromir. The trouble I have with him is fitting him in a themed list with everything. I might literally just not care and just throw in a mixed bag of stuff I always wanted to use list.