Hi all,
Always best to make your first post on a new forum an introduction!
Been lurking for a while but wanted to post as a big fan of Hobbit/Lord of the Rings SBG, while I have only played a few games so far against Mertaal (I was his opponent in his Rohan/Isengard battle report)
It’s been a bit of a journey with the hobby over the last three years for me, when I decided to start playing again it was by coming back to 40k which is the game I played as a teenager. Although I also wanted to give LOTR a go, however after a short sharp shock that is GW prices and the general unwelcoming attitude of their stores (if you just want to play, not spend money)

I found a friendly gaming club in London that doesn’t do any 40k so put all the Space Marines back in their case to languish, their mission to smite the emperors enemies unfulfilled. Sadly LOTR also wasn’t really played by anyone either so I never got in a game.
When there I tried quite a few smaller games, like Infinity and Malifaux at the Cross Gaming Club in London (where I met Mertaal). Unfortunately these games had increasingly complex rules made me yearn for something I could just play rather than having to read rulebooks over and over again to make sense of what we were doing. So we both picked up the Hobbit and didn’t look back, now I am only playing that and Bolt Action.
I have several projects on the go with Gondor & Isengard as my two primary armies while I also have some elves as a side project. I will be moving to Switzland in June but plan to take part in some tournaments before that and then make regular trips back to the UK so I can continue gaming.
Hopefully be a regular poster here, have a battle report I am putting together of the latest battle between me and Mertaal where the forces of Gondor face the might of the Goblin King and his minions