I must thank you all for the many accolades heaped upon my willy ways of word and deed, though pray wonder if I must write in the style of the old world now, for all my days to come. I must say, though fun it is to read through all your many responses. I see questions! And the curious demand awnsers!
JamesR wrote:
Welcome to the One Ring! I assume you're in Baradur against your will
No no my friend, my visit to
His dark tower is
ly due to the
my Lord Sauron so
projects. I am here, but on
ly of my fr
ee Will
and choice. I a
e you.
Gwaryan wrote:
Wonderfully poetic introduction, welcome to the One Ring. I hope we can help you with creating more legions of the Red Eye and and advise you on how to lead them to a final victory! I think we have a couple of members from the Netherlands too so you may be able to find even more potential opponents

Marvelous, simply Marvelous! Though i must tell you, it seems by times the legions UNDER the eye procreate all by themselfs. And I would prefer not to watch the vile sorcery by which these uruk hai 'mate' I tell you. All my time here at Barad-Dûr and I have yet to see a female Orc of any kind. I am gratefull for life's small blessings I must say. As for the question of more opponents in my area of residence when not I am ensla... employed to the will of sauron. I shall get to this question in nought but a minute!
mertaal wrote:
Hello and welcome! Nice intro post

Why thank you my friend, and may I say that that is a fine mask you have there. Exquisite craftsmanship to, I say, Is that dwarven wrought per chance?
Lorindol wrote:
Good to see some other dutch people on this website. I live in the area of Eindhoven. Where do you stay most of the time when not travelling?
Adanedhel88 wrote:
Nice to see a fellow Dutchie, welcome to the one ring
Éomund wrote:
I am from Nederland too, where in the Netherlands to you live?
Succes with your mordor army!
Kinsman, Countrymen! Ohh... Eindhoven you say. Yes uhm. Hello there. I normally rest my pipe and travel worn feet in Amersfoort in the provicence of Utrecht in the very heartland of our country. I feel I sometimes long for the slightly inclined slope we call a mountain of my home. But then new and exciting places to travel come up again! Mayhaps we shall meet upon the road once, i should sorely like to cross paths with you all one day.
Hill-Troll wrote:
Another one falls to the will of sauron!

Welcome, welcome and thrice welcome my friemd!
The will of Sauron is law friend dwarf. And though you may swear your deoderant to the fellowship, you will never make it to freshen up mount doom! Without my help that is... gods this place reeks of Uruk-hai.
Dorthonion wrote:
I am not a Do-Gooder.
I am a Could-Do-Better (blame The Backlog).
Welcome to The One-Ring.
This one has witt... and it appears some kind of portable siege weapon. I am uncertain if i should trust him. Perhaps i should smile and nod and simply accept his welcome. yes that would be wise...
Erunion wrote:
Greetings, and welcome to the One Ring!
Thank you, thank you. Though i shall keep my hands far away from the ONE RING. I have seen what my lords ring does to men and hobbits, and other queer folk. I shall not fancy a fate like them I should say! what.. what do you mean thats not the One Ring you meant? There is more then one, one ring now?!
Harfoot wrote:
Enjoyed reading that, thanks and welcome fellow traveller
My, those feet do look well traveled young Hobbit. If by chance I should pass by the shire one of these days, mayhaps we may share a few puffs of pipe weed and a story of roads well traveled with one another.
Gandlaf the Grey wrote:
An entertaining and mystical read, welcome to your new home Traveller.
Ahh, here is a man who travels after my own own heart. With a sturdy staff in hand and a wide brimmed hat above a beard mythical enough to make jealous a dwarf of his whiskers! I do salute you Gandlaf my good man. I do indeed.