Hello One Ringers,
I've been lurking for awhile, but I thought I'd jump in and say Hi.
I've been wargaming for 20 years, well if you add Roleplaying, make that 30 years. I started collecting LOTR since the first movie. Funny thing as a lot wargamers, I buy WAY more than I can paint so 99% of my LOTR figs sat unpainted for 10 years.
The only thing I painted in 10 years was Amon Hen:

As the hype for the Hobbit(AUJ) started to build, I followed it closely and after seeing it, I dug out all my figs and started painting.

Well I'm a full year into a LOTR painting binge, and having a blast. I've got large Rohan, Isengard, and Gondor armies, with Elves, Mordor, and Harad in the works.
I ran a few games at a big US convention last November and hopefully recruited a few players to LOTR:SBG.

I look forward to chatting with such a vibrant LOTR community.