Hello everyone
I've been eyeing W40K for a while and want to get started. I have the Codex and want to make an army but i'm not too sure how. I don't want something competitive more just an army with minis I think look nice. From what I understand for most standard missions your army must have 1 HQ 2 Troops, but what i'm confused about is do each squad need some sort of leader or HQ to lead them? E.g. Does a Blood Claws or Grey Hunters Pack need a HQ leading them? Here's a sample of an army from what I understand:
HQ: Canis Wolfborn
Elites: Wolf Guard Pack (composition: 5 Wolf Guard)
Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (composition: 10 Grey Hunters) Blood Claws Pack (composition: 10 Blood Claws)
Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (composition: 5 Thunderwolf Cavalry) Skyclaw Assault Pack (composition: 5 Skyclaws)
Is this list legal? Also can I add more HQ like Logan Grimnar and Bjorn The Fell Handed? What is the limit to how many HQ you can take. I'm not focusing on war gear right now I just want to be able to get the composition of the army right or at least legal.
Sorry if in the wrong topic, didn't know where else to put it.