I won't need any help whatsoever to 'make' me buy the Extended version, I'm desperate to see it already! I've only seen the film once so far (going to the IMAX for viewing 2 tomorrow!) but absolutely loved it, yes it was very different from the book but I think there's a strong argument that the Laketown/Bard/Smaug section was actually an improvement over the book, certainly in a cinematic sense.
My biggest disappointment was the lack of scenes that had been hinted at in all the trailers, particularly the Thrain confrontation (particularly given the awesome model). Surely it must have been before the ending of film 2 due to the nature of Gandalf's equipment in those shots. Hopefully it'll make it into the Extended cut. I must say the whole film felt like it was built for an extended cut, Beorn, Mirkwood and Thranduil's Halls all felt like they could have far more time devoted to them and I think we'll see quite a hefty Extended cut this November that's far closer to the LOTR 25/35 minute mark.
Slight film spoiler regarding the appearance of the Necromancer
Seeing the film also explains why we haven't had a miniature/profile for the Necromancer, how would you possibly represent that rules-wise and how could you sculpt a miniature?
There's certainly room for a slightly smaller supplement later in the year although given GW's lack of year-round support for SBG I think it's unlikely. Smaug obviously needs a model/profile, as could Bain and Braga and there's certainly room for a few Laketown based scenarios based on the events of the film.
On the downside I've just realised that, sadly, the wait for a model to be able to cast Banishment must go on another year, one day I'll make those Ringwraiths suffer...
I've spent the last week prepping my DOS models and I thought people might be interested to know of their quality. I know there were some worries about the quality of the Finecast models a few pages back (missing noses etc.) but I got Tauriel, Thranduil and Beorn and they were all excellent; Tauriel's plastic so to be expected but both the Finecast casts were absolutely perfect (even the fiddly crown on Thranduil) and the models are gorgeous in the hand. I snapped a couple of pics, they're not the best as they're taken on my phone but hopefully they'll give you some idea of the quality, Thranduil in particular is absolutely stunning, the detail on the face is amazing and I can't wait to get started on him.

Beorn was a bit of a hassle to assemble as you have to glue both arms on so you have to be sure where the first one should be, glue it and then glue the other one on and hope it fits together around the axe. It took me a couple of tries but got there in the end.
The next White Dwarf is out January 4th BTW so a slightly longer wait for the next round of toys (5 weeks instead of 4). I'm hoping for Bear form Beorn and the Laketowners this month. We shall see!
Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
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