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 Post subject: A Terminally Slow WH40k Log (will become pic heavy)
PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:29 pm 
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I mean, it will become pic heavy, eventually.

Boring preamble: despite keeping up a presence on forums and the like - and building the occasional miniature when I get the chance - I've really ground to a halt hobby-wise in the last couple years. I haven't completed a miniature, sprue-to-full-paintjob, in at least 6 months, and I figured running a WIP thread might help me pick my speed up. Extra motivation, and all that.

At the moment all I have are phone pictures, I'm hoping to get some kind of half-decent photography setup sorted in the coming months, but these will do for a start.

Minis, then. WiP plaguemarine with a kitbashed plague knife:

Image Image

I wanted to capture the aesthetic of WW1 trench knives, and I think this combo of chainsword hilts and WHFB skeleton blades will do the trick. The rust-pockmarks are drilled and counter-sunk with a range of drill sizes, I'll be doing this on various armour plates and most of the knife blades.

Champion for a CSM squad, magnetized for two different weapon loadouts at the moment, but I started him before 6E was released and power weapons all started doing different things, so I'll be adding more options before long) - power axe:


..and power fist:


I started out using 3mm x 2mm N40 magnets, but I can get a very slightly better bond with 3mm x 1mm N50s, and drilling 1mm deep holes is easier work. In either case, this guy (and the plaguemarine above, who is also fully magged) can be picked up by their weapon arms without them coming loose. It's a pretty solid bond as long as I make sure the magnets are flush and in direct contact with each other.

Bases, WIP. Cork, GW barbed wire, shell casings from Zinge.


On the bigger bases I'll be adding skulls and chunks of broken building from the WH40k scenery kits.

Now, I need to stop scouring ebay bitz stores for the perfect conversion components and actually get some minis painted! The CSM will be black legion, with a sub-warband of Nurgle devotees (plaguemarines, currently, but I'm planning to kitbash some obliterators to back them up)

Sitting around waiting to be magnetized and built: the rest of a plaguemarine squad, 2 CSM squads with swappable special weapons, a raptor squad and 5 terminators that are going to consume the better part of a pack of magnets by themselves because they're going to have more options than they kno what to do with.

Wish me luck/crack whips in my direction. ;) This will be a much more interesting thread once I start getting paint on these guys.

Talaan-u rûk-ir tor Urûk
Nauru-ir agh kragoru nûrsu grishûrz
Nork-ulu furtun agh goð
Mordor-ob bot-tuk
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 Post subject: Re: A Terminally Slow WH40k Log (will become pic heavy)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:24 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:50 am
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Those bases look good :yay: Looking forward to seeing the miniatures done :D

'You would die before your stroke fell!' ~Legolas :legolas:

Check out my WIP! :meh:
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 Post subject: Re: A Terminally Slow WH40k Log (will become pic heavy)
PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:02 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:56 pm
Posts: 3736
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Neat looking shell casings on very intriguing bases! Magnets seem to be all the rage these days :)

Published ebooks:
Instrument of the Empire
A Note of Defiance
Phantom Ships, Ghost Flotilla
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