And the battle continued.
I forgot to mention earlyer that Khamul already died within the castlewalls.
So mordor continued the siege. Gondor achers had shot the whole game very good. Only 4 out of 24 haradrim survived till turn 18. But now, with the schadowlord near them it would be much more difficult.
Cirion and the other defenders where helding the enemy off. With only the loss of one soldier for quit some turns, the orcs where getting desperate.
Meanwhile Shagrat had breached the defences on the wall. More left to him the orcs failed their attack and moved out of the way, to try their luck at the other side. Leaving many death, and two captains
Orcs tried to conquer the wall at the other side. But madril gave them a warm welkom slaugthering an orc and haradrim captain in just a few turns. At the gate another haradrim captain charged Cirion and the defenders. Knocking them done and scoring two hits on Cirion. Only fate saved him that turn.
Faramir was also bleeding, losing all his might and fate points in battling the war leader of Cirith Ungol. Shagrat was on a roll, and it wouldn't take long for him to take the first objective.
But the end drew near. Mordor suffered heavy losses, and couragetests where taken. But the schadowlord held it's troops together. Not everything was lost.
In a moment of true Numenorian courage, Madril and two citadelguards ran down the ladders taking the fight to the schadowlord himself.
Sadly they payed the mistake with their life, surrounded by orcs the guards where stabbed many times. Madril managed to held them off, running back up the ladder in the next turn.
Turn 25; The last turn for this battle.
But mordor would not go down so easy. Shagrad charged Faramir, trying to take the life of the son of the steward.
The shadowlord and the haradrimcaptain also charged once more Cirion, trying to kill the boldest of them all. If they succeed it would be a grim victory for Gondor.
Faramir was able to held of the enemy. Without any will left the Shadowlord also vanished, but only after taking the life of Cirion. The boldest was no more.