OK 1944 is finished. The German Third Army failed to take Scandinavia but prevented the Allies from retaking France. Here are some nice pictures of the campaign. It turns out that even if the Allies win all the battles on the last turn in 1945 they still will not have enough victory points to win. But we will still have 1 massive battle just for fun with lots of good photos to end the European campaign with some nice fluff and alternative history written up. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

American Rifleman pass through a destroyed house.

German shock troops investigate a crashed RAF plane.

A Soviet Medic pulls his wounded comrade off a minefield. Unfortunately his friend suffered a different fate.

An American radio calls for reinforcements.

A Camouflaged German Sniper in the dense hedges of Normandy.

An American sambuca spots an enemy tank.

A Soviet light anti-tank gun marches across a bridge.

An American light mortar takes cover in a crater.

A German light machinegunner fires upon an unexpected squad.

British heavy mortars rain down hell.

British heavy anti-tank gun entrenched.

A Soviet heavy machinegun continues to fire despite one crewman falling dead.

German anti-personel gun defending their cabbages.

A German Stug powers through some hedges.

Crew exit a half truck.

The bunker feels the weight of German bombs

A Soviet fighter flies over ruins.
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And here is a sneak peak of some Japanese for the upcoming Pacific theatre as that map is almost complete.