Farmer Maggot wrote:
Part of the reason why Finecast is more expensive is that it can’t be recycled.
If metal models are miscast or returned they can be melted down and the metal reused. Finecast cannot be reused, any miscasts or returns can only be ground down and thrown away.
Everything can be recycled but the procedure requires chemicals and complex methods of obtaining the product pure again .
But the truth is that resin is another type of plastic and is SOOO cheap that it is more profitable to just buy some more than trying to recycle it by using expensive methods.
I found somewhere the prices and they where 0.07$/lb or something like that I can't find the link to cofirm it but you get the picture.
So it's pure greed. The thing is that whatever I thought GW should do to restart the interest of their of costumers and attract more clients is done by Privateer Press just to give you some examples:
Their are hosting tournaments with video coverage from the actual battles. I once watched the final battle of a tournament in youtube with commentators, graphics and everything ever though I didn't know the rules a watched it because I loved the Warmachine minis and the paint job that was done plus the table was awesome.
They have the equivalent of Golden Demon with money prices.
They have the rules for the game in a pdf form on their site Which can be downloaded for FREE ever if it's only the very basics of rules they are FREE for gods sake(what good does a game if you have to pay a ridiculous amount of money only to learn how to play it).
And of course I'm not going to even talk about the prices.