@Beowlulf - It's well worth a watch, season 7 was the last truly great season but it was still good viewing up to the end. It's sadly missed from the schedule i feel

Anyhoo, as for the main point of the thread, I'll be coming down firmly on PJs side with this one.
I've said in other threads that the LOTR changes to Aragorn, Faramir etc. don't really bother me as much as other people, I'm happy to divorce myself from the book and see the film as a completely different entity.
However, with the Hobbit I'm going to go even further and say that, for the most part, the changes PJ has made made the story are largely improvements .
I loved the film and was frankly thrilled to see how they expanded on the book with Radagast, Azog, Do Guldor etc. but I can totally see how some people would take umbrage to these sections and inventions.
HOWEVER, I really can't see how anyone can view the changes they have made to the dwarves as anything but a MASSIVE improvement. I love the book but the dwarves in it are absolutely awful, they are cowardly, often useless and wander from one set piece to the next getting outwitted and captured again and again. Thorin is a grumpy old git who at one point bows down before the Great Goblin and pays homage, it's so completely out of keeping with the world we know and love from the Lord of the Rings.
PJ and co have done an absolutely brilliant job at making the dwarves heroic and likeable whilst still retaining the major story beats of the book. The troll sequence is a good example of this, in the film the dwarves don't get outwitted and captured, they put up a successful heroic stand that is only falters in order to save Bilbo. Then, crucially, they end up in sacks like the book, it retains the spirit of the book whilst giving the dwarves something resembling dignity.
As for the dragon sickness question I feel they'll handle it in the same way, ie Thorin will still become obsessed with the Arkenstone and exile Bilbo but it will be built up far more and feel right at the time for his character. After all they've already set up his hatred of the elves in preparation for later events in Mirkwood, perhaps this will permeate into the negotiations at the gate; it may well be that Thranduil rides to the gate with Bard from the very start, giving Thorin good reason to refuse them.
If I'm brutally honest I think a lot of people that have criticised the movie (for things like Azog's CGI, the Bunny Sled etc.) really aren't giving the team credit for the massive improvements they have made to the rest of the story. I think they've done a damn good job of turning an incredibly twee (and wonderful) book into the kind of wonderful, heroic LOTR-esque story that Tolkien had in mind when he started rewriting the Hobbit.
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