So, after a busy 4/5 days, all battles have been concluded, weary travellers have returned and photos and battle summaries being uploaded as we speak. The weekend as a whole was great fun, I know I had 5 fantastic games despite only winning 1 (although I lost 3 games by 2/3 VPs so was close) and I also got to play the guy who wrote the hobbit rules. Got destroyed by him...
I also got to meet a few people from here - KnightyKnight, Dr Grant and we enjoyed a good few days.
Here are the photos taken from the
WHW facebook page.
my facebook pageI am still getting round to commenting on every photo so bear with.
Here is Team Cosy Wosy (
(from left to right: KnightyKnight, Muppetslayer, Me, Gondorian Captain)
Friendly Game Summaries ( that I can remember)
Myself (Mordor) V Mark (knighty(Gondor))
So this was the first game of the weekend. A good old mordor V gondor punch up on the outskirts of Pelagrir. It was the story of low dice rolls in this game. Luckily my dice improved towards the end and managed to wipe out the gondor scum. Highlights of the match: Setting denethor on fire with Kardush and killing him ala RotK style. My Troll Chief using faramirs citadel guard as darts...and probably 6 out of 7 gondorians failing their courage test and legging it off the hill
Louis (muppetslayer (Fiefdoms)) V Kieran (Gondorian Captain(Isengard))
No pictures from this game I'm afraid as I was crushing Marks gondor at the time
From what I gathered in the bar afterwards Kieran's crossbows had a field day shooting at the advancing Dol Amroth troops.
More to come later...