Adanedhel88 wrote:
wow these modells are awesum, almost makes me wanna get another set. for converting purposes. really good job. will keep my eyes on this closely
Thanks a lot, I'm glad I could wake your interest!
RangerofTheNorth wrote:
Great progress, your King looks familiar

Haha you think?

Yes, thanks for showing me your Goblin King last week, RotN, it inspired me greatly to convert mine!

I made a small credit for you in my earlier post, sorry for not doing so before!
SidTheSloth wrote:
Hey! I love that Goblin king!! He looks awesome! Really fun piece!
Thanks, Sid! I'm just amazed he doesn't topple over

Lord Hurin wrote:
The Great Goblin looks awesome! I'd try it myself if I had a bit of converting skill. Nice idea for the mini-Captain too.
Balin proves that sometimes less is more. Turned a decent pose into an awesome one and the effort was definitely worth it!
I'm glad you like my Balin, Lord H, thanks for the kind words! You're right, sometimes less really is more. And I really don't know what else could be done with that sculpt anyway... Oh and come now, practice makes perfect ;P
NetrixX wrote:
Gotta love that Goblin King
Thanks for looking in, NetrixX!
KnightyKnight wrote:
Brilliant Goblin King conversion. I'd thought about putting the small captain on his shoulder myself, but your model looks far better than anything I'd come up with in my own imagination. Great stuff, keep up the good work!
Great minds think alike, KnightyKnight! My main inspiration for adding the titchy captain was a Nurgle Herold conversion that I saw in the Kit Bash of December's WD... maybe you did too?
Sticky Fingersss wrote:
That Great Goblin pose is fantastic!
Thank you, Sticky Fingersss! I just hope I can do the model justice when it comes to painting it :S
Dorthonion wrote:
I like the conversions - variety makes life so much more interesting! Are you filling in the seam under the Goblin king's left arm or planning something else for that area?
I totally agree with you Dorth, that's what lead me to even start this little project

I'll definitely be filling in all the seams before I get started, there's still quite a bit of puttywork to be done as a few of the pieces didn't fit together very well at all... The photo I uploaded wasn't actually the one I wanted to, as I had done some more work on the King (his index finger is much longer and more of the gaps are filled) but I must have mixed the pics up. Oops!
SMORG wrote:
I saw it as a right off because Dwalin is so static, but I'm amazed how such a simple change so vastly improved the model.
Thanks SMORG! Do you mean Balin, though?
ukfreddybear wrote:
Haha. The goblin captain addition is epic. Love it!
Thanks Dave! I was worried it might be a bit too Warhammer Fantasy but I guess it doesn't look half bad

Telchar wrote:
Very good!
Cheers Telchar!
Thank you all for your continued interest. I've started painting Kili and have just finished his face, will hopefully have pics for you later tonight!