My opinions on the hobbit (I watched it in 2D by the way):
Things I didn't like:Over-actioned. It really felt like PJ was just trying to cram as much action into the film as possible. The company seemed to just jump from one dangerous situation to the next. For this reason I think it lost lots of realism and epicness that FotR had. I do understand that PJ is trying to draw in the crowds with an action film but it's rather annoying for a fanboy like me.
Made-up friction between characters. The company abandoning Gandalf at rivendell made me a bit cheesed off. Also, the dwarves open dislike of Bilbo, at least in the book they tolerated him and in thier own way cared for him... they seem to want to leave him behind at any possible time in the film.
The inaccuracy of the film in certain parts.
Dol Guldor. I just found the moving statue part and the whole 'un-dead' thing kinda dumb.
Azog. I think he didn't really need to be in some scenes... I was rather looking forward to seing talking wargs and the warg chief. Also his metal claw thing I just found weird. Although I do understand he gives more plot to the story.
Too much of Galadriels telepathy.
Over-effective fighting. (especially when Oin swing his staff around his head and he kills oodles of goboes)
Things I did like:The stunning scenery and the CGI. I found the visuals especially stunning in this film and the CGI was generally top notch.
The elves. Elrond and his friends I thought were awesome!!

The riddles in the dark scene. Quite humourus and you can see the brilliance of both actors in this part. Really, really well done I thought.
Everything in Hobbiton. When the music started playing and it pictured the shire and Bag-End I just wanted to shout ''I'm in middle earth again!!!''. Also this really helped to connect the Hobbit with LoTR (such as Bilbo's party and Frodo running off to suprise Gandalf)
The starting bit when the dwarves are in their mountain. Awesome. Really awesome. I had shivers running all down me it was so awesome.
Conclusion: Overall it was a very good film and I did enjoy it, but I think PJ has changed it too much to be as good as The Fellowship of the Ring