Happy New Year all, acquired myself an EFGT box for Christmas and really impressed with the quality of the minis after having a good look at the sprues, really looking forward to getting stuck into painting them (in about June if my current backlog is anything to go buy!).
Main reason for posting is my disappointment/fear about the future of the game content in WD. There've been 2 previews of the new WD on the GW website and neither of them make any mention of The Hobbit (beyond some new miniatures and a free poster). I posted in some thread (maybe this one) about a month ago about my fear of continued coverage and this seems to be playing out. Surely they could keep a strong presence up for at least a month or two.
My main worry was that these days all the articles in WD are about pushing new products and there's a new army for WHF or 40k almost every month which keeps the writers with plenty of pretty new toys and content (and lets try and stay away from the obvious debate that WD has absolutely no 'content' anymore). In the good ol' days of LOTR:SBG the LOTR content was terrain articles, new scenarios, new games (wizard's duel anyone?), interviews etc. None of these articles seem to fit in with WD's content anymore so I can't help but wonder what Hobbit coverage there could possibly be in WD for the next year?
Sadly, I think we might just be getting some new models released every few months without anything worth reading. I can't see how they will genuinely support this as a third primary game system given the current content of WD.
It's a shame of course and hopefully I'll be proven wrong in the next few days/months, I look forward to hearing what's in the new WD although I won't be buying it

Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
Free SBG fanzine: