Trade FormUSA: Illinois;
Special Trade Offer:I have:
2 sets of the original run Fellowship of the Ring Blister Pack Orcs. These sets consist of 4 separate poses of archers and 14 separate poses of ground troops. So for a complete set of every pose consists of 18 OOP metal orcs. For finding comparable trading value of what I am looking for, I value these sets at approximately $150-$200 (or the equivelent of 9-16 blisters--depending on what is in the blister). Though these miniatures are not in their blisters (for obvious reason of sorting them into complete sets), they are fresh and have never been painted completely undamaged all swords, spear tips, and details are guaranteed good. I only have 2 sets remaining for trade as I am keeping 4 sets for myself. Easy opportunity to let me do the finding and collecting for you. *If you are looking for a particular Orc to complete your personal collection I will also consider offers for specific poses (as I have upwards of 14 or 15 of any given individual pose).
I have:Listed by Army first, then the model with the quantity that I own next to it. I am a painting and Lord of the Rings fanatic. I had to stop collecting in 2005 due to daughter being born, but I am looking to complete/continue my collection. I have many OOP. If you are interested in a trade let me know. Just for full disclosure purpose anything listed with a one next to it I am unlikely to trade. I am looking for unpainted and preferably unprimed minatures, though I will consider primed options. All minatures listed are new in blister/box (all unopened) and all metal unless otherwise noted.
Lord of the Rings:
Dunlending Warriors Command 1
The Two Towers Saruman 1
Saruman-FOTR 1
Saruman (Orthanc) MTD - 2
Grima Wormtongue 3
Wildmen of Dunland 2
Uruk-Hai Command 6
Uruk-Hai Crossbows 6
Uruk-Hai Shaman 3
Uruk-Hai Bowman 3
Lurtz-Green Flat Blister 2
Rare Third Pose Lurtz 1 (sealed) (2 open)
Uruk-Hai Berserkers 6
Uruk-Hai Warriors-FOTR 11
Warg Rider 11
Orc Shaman on Warg 1
Wild Warg Chieftain 1
Golfimbul (Ft and MTD) 5
Sharku Ft and Mtd 1
Thrydan Wolfsbane 2
Mauhur 2
Mauhur's Marauder Command 2
Moria Goblin Bowman-FOTR 1
Moria Goblin Drum 7
Moria Armoured Gobilins-FOTR 7
Goblin King of Moria 5
Goblin Captains 1
Cave Troll w/ Hammer (Over Head Pose) 1
Cave Troll Hammer-FOTR 3
Cave Troll With Spear-FOTR 2
Buhrdur-Troll Cheiftan 1
Moria Goblin Shaman (old pose) 3
Moria Goblin Shaman (new pose) 1
Drûzhag, The Beastcaller 1
Goblin Prowlers 4
Gundabad Blackshields Command 1
Elven Army
Haldir and Celeborn 1
Arwen (Ft and MTD)-ROTK 1
Mounted Arwen w/ Frodo-FOTR 3
Glorfindel (FT and MTD) 3
Gil-Galad-FOTR 1
Elrond Master of Rivendell 2
Wood Elf Command 1
Wood Elf Sentinels 1
Galadriel & Celeborn (Fountain) 2
Guards of the Galadhrim Court 2
Elladan and Elrohir 3
Elladan (FT and MTD) 1
Elrohir (FT and MTD) 1
Haldirs Command 1
Haldirs Elves with Bows 6
Haldirs Elves with Swords 9
Elven Stormcaller 2
Rumil 2
Galadriel, Protectress of Lothlorien 1
Celeborn, Lord of Lothlorien 2
Armoured Glorfindel 2
Erestor 1
Ciradan of Havens 1
Dwarf Warriors 7
Dwarf Bowmen 9
Dwarf Lords Dain and Balin 1
Dwarf Command 3
Dwarf Lord Dain 2
Durin and Mardin 1
Murin and Drar 1
Khazad Guard 7
King's Champion 1
Flói Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria 1
Dwarf Ballista 2
Iron Guard 2
Vault Wardens 6
Khamal Easterling 2
The Dark Marshal (metal) 1
Knight of Umbar 1
The Betrayer 1
The Dwimmerlaik 1
The Shadowlord 1
The Tainted 1
The Undying 2
Witch King of Angmar (Ft and MTD) 1
Witch King of Angmar Mtd (Flaming Sword) 1
Gothmog (Ft and MTD) 1
Orc Trackers 11
Ugluk & Vrasku Uruk-Hai Captains 1
Orc Bowman 1
Ringwraith-TTT 1
Gothmog Lieutenant of Morgul 6
Mordor Orc Command 7
Mordor Orc Captains 1
Twilight Ringwraith-FOTR 2
Feral Uruk-Hai 1
The Mouth of Sauron (FT and MTD) 5
Gorbag and Shagrat 6
Mordor Uruk-Hai 9
Mordor Siege Bow 3
Orc Shaman 1
Morannon Orcs 9
Kardush the Firecaller 1
Giant Bats 3
Black Guard of Barad-Dur 1
Giant Spiders 4
Castellans of Dol Guldur 4
Shade 4
Morgul Stalkers 4
Moranan Orc Captains 1
Rangers of the North 4
Forlong and Angbor 1
Halbarad w/ standard (new version) 1
Halbarad w/ standard (old version) 2
Arathorn and Halbarad 1
Dunedain of the North 6
Grey Company 6
Army of the Dead
Dead Marsh Spectres 3
Army of the Dead 13
Army of the Dead Banner 1
Rider of the Dead 2
Shire Armies
Barrow Wights 4
Ruffians And Slavers 4
Radagast the Brown 4
Hobbit Militia 5
Hobbits of the Shire 2
Hobbit Archers 5
Farmer Maggot and Hounds 4
Hobbit Shirriffs 2
Bullroarer Took (FT and MTD) 1
Lobelia Sackeville-Baggins 1
Fellowship Blisters
Gandalf on Shadowfax (TTT) 1
Gandalf Foot and Mounted (Minas Tirith Pose) 1
Gandalf Mounted (Minas Tirith) 1
Gandalf the Gray (FT and MTD) 1
Gandalf the White (on rock)-TTT 2
Rivendell Gandalf 2
Sam and Bill the Pony 3
TTT Gollum, Sam, Frodo 1
ROTK Gollum, Sam, Frodo 3
Sam and Frodo in Orc Armour 3
TTT Merry, Pippin & Grishnak 1
Mounted Boromir-FOTR 2
Armoured Boromir (FTD and MTD) 2
Boromir Captain of the White Tower w/standard 4
Legolas and Gimli on Horseback 1
Aragorn (FT and MTD) 1
Gimli on dead Uruk-Hai 2
Aragorn King of Gondor (FT and MTD) 2
Aragorn King of Gondor (MTD) 6
Legolas Foot and Mounted 1
Theoden (FT and MTD) 1
Theoden (Pelennor) 1
Rohan Captain (Limited from Muster of Rohan Box) 1 Loose
Gamling Rohan Royal Standard 1
Eowyn (FT and MTD) 1
Eowyn on Horseback 6
Mounted Theoden 6
Rohan Royal Guard on Foot 8
Rohan Royal Guard Mounted 17
Rohan Banner Bearer (FT and MTD) 7
Eorl the Young (FT and MTD) 1
Sons of Eorl 5
Eomer Marshal of the Riddermark 1
Grimbold 1
Grimbold's Helmingas Command 3
Rohan Commanders 1
Rohan Captain Foot and Mounted 1
Rohan Outriders 3
Hama (Sword Down) 1
Hama (Sword Up) 1
Lost Kingdoms
Easterling Command 5
Easterlings 7
Easterling Kataphrakt 1
Haradrim Command 11
Hasharii (old Pose) 3
Hasharii (new pose) 1
Haradrim Raiders 6
Half Trolls 1
Mumak Mahud (Direct Only) 9
Mahud King (FT and MTD) 1
Khandish Chieftain (FT and MTD) 2
Suladan Serpent Lord (FT AND MTD)--Old Pose 2
Suladan Serpent Lord (FT AND MTD)--New Pose (metal) 1
Suladan Serpent Lord (Finecast FT - missing left arm) 1
Serpent Rider 2
Serpent Guard 2
Haradrim Horsemen Chieftan 3
Easterling Commanders 2
Harad Commanders 2
Mahud with blowpipes 2
Mahud Warriors 2
Mahud Raiders 7
The Golden King of Harad 2
Harad Abrakhan Guard 2
Dalamyr Fleetmaster of Umbar 1
Corsair Bo'Sun and Captain 2
Corsair Arbalesters 6
Amdur, Lord of Blades 1
Watchers of Karna 4
Duinhir 1
Blackroot Vale Archers Command 1
Denethor 6
Minas Tirith Citadel Guard 12 (Citadel Guard 1 [3], Citadel Guard 2 [3], Citadel Guard Original mixed [6])
Gondorian Spearmen-FOTR 10
Denethor and Armoured Boromir 2
Gondorian Bowmen-FOTR 3
Warriors of Minas Tirith Command 7
Dol Amroth Captain (FT and MTD) 1
Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth 3
Dol Amroth Banner Bearer Ft and Mtd. 1
Foot Knight of Dol Amroth Command 2
Men at Arms of Dol Amroth 7
Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower 3
Mounted Faramir 6
Isildur (FT and MTD) 1
Guards of the Fountain Court 14
Faramir's Rangers 6
Knights of Minas Tirith Standard 5
Kings of Men-FOTR 2
Minas Tirith Citadel Guard Archers 13
Beregond 5
Osgiliath Veterans 3
Arnor Command 1
Warriors of Arnor 2
Faramir Captain of Ithilien 2
Clansmen of Lamedon 2
Axemen of Lamedon 2
King Arvedui and Malbeth the Seer 1
Cirion and Madril 1
Boxed Sets
Host of the Dark Lord (Sealed unopen) 1
Warriors of Pelennor Fields (Sealed Unopen) 1
Death of Gothmog 1
Final Fate of the Witch King 1
Gandalf and Cart 1
Watcher in the Water (metal tentacles) 1
Cave Drake 2
Mordor Troll/Isengard Troll (Plastic) 2
Minas Tirith Castle Set (Never Opened) 1
Mounted Ringwraiths-FOTR 3
Ringwraiths (Nine Metal all different poses Box) 2
The Fellowship of the Ring 1
Sauron, Lord of the Ring-FOTR 1
Hobbits of the Shire (includes Bilbo) 1
War Mumak of Harad 2
The Breaking of the Fellowship 2
The Three Hunters 1
Defenders of Rohan 1
Knights of Dol Amroth (plastic x6) 1
Winged Nazgul (plastic) 1
Ent (plastic) 2
Khandish King in Chariot 2
Khandish Charioteer 2
Khandish Warriors 1
Easterling Kataphrakt 1
Warg Riders (plastic x6) 1
Wild Wargs 2
Dunlending Warriors 1
Warriors of Harad (plastic x 24) 2
Gondor Battle Cry Trebuchet 3
Captured by Gondor 1
Galadhrim Warriors 1
Galadhrim Knights 1
Knights of Minas Tirith 1
Warriors of Minas Tirith 1
Minas Tirith Commanders 1
Rangers of Middle Earth 1
Moria Gobin Commanders 1
The Lord of the Rings Casualties 2
Warriors of Rohan (plastic x24) 1
Warg Attack 2
Riders of Rohan (plastic x6) 1
Treebeard, Mighty Ent 1
Ringwraith on Fell Beast-TTT 1
Uruk-Hai Siege Assault Ballista 2
Uruk-Hai Siege Troops 3
Warg Riders (metal wargs and riders x5) 4
Ruins of Middle Earth 2
Ruins of Osgiliath 1
Witch-King on Fell Beast-ROTK 2
Army of the Dead (metal x10) 3
Mordor Orcs (plastic x24) 5
In the Clutches of Shelob 2
Heroes of the West 3
Morgul Knights (metal x5) 1
Wood Elves (plastic x24) 2
Balrog (plastic) 1
Mordor War Catapult 3
Balin and Khazad Guard 2
Dwarven Rangers 2
Dwarven Warriors 2
Scouring of the Shire 1
Fog on the Barrow Downs 3
Ent (metal) 3
Isengard Troll (metal) 2
The White Council 1
Gulavhar, The Terror of Arnor (Finecast) 1
Gulavhar, The Terror of Arnor (Metal) 1
Sauron, The Necromancer 2
Spider Queen and Swarms 2
The Fall of the Witch-King 3
Mordor Troll Chieftain (Finecast) 1
Mordor Troll Chieftain (Metal) 4
Mordor Troll (Metal) 6
Forces of the Free People (1 unopened, 1 opened but all present) 2
Forces of the Dark Lord (1 unopened) 1
Wildmen of Druadan 2
Lord of the Rings RTOK (Starter Box) 2
Lord of the Rings TTT (Starter Box) 2
Mines of Moria (Starter Box) 2
The Muster of Rohan (contains captain only available in this set) 1
Dragon 1
Isengard Commanders 1
Morannon Orc Commanders 2
Black Guard of Barad-Dur Commanders 1
"Old Friends Meet Again" 1
"There Will Be No Dawn" 1
Guardians of the Shire 2
And I would like:
Dwarf Shieldbearers x4 (Will Trade in your favore--BNIB preferable)
Dragon Knights
Gundabad Blackshields (Original metal Blister Packs)