Aragorn had a bow, but wasn't ever able to kill anything with it.
Turn 10Things are looking bad as Frodo charges the Witch King in the hopes of draining his will even if he isn't likely to wound him. Sam is mobbed by wraiths, but Gandalf comes to his rescue by engaging one. Meanwhile Gimli once again fails to muster up the courage to charge, and Aragorn finds himself mobbed by wraiths. Fortunately flubbed casting rolls all round leave him un-transfixed!
Sam loses his fight, despite help from Gandalf and is hacked apart by laughing ring wraiths. Gandalf is driven back but not badly hurt. Frodo and Aragorn both win their fights, but neither can wound. It is understandable in Frodo's case at S3 vs. D8, but Aragorn has to just hang his head in shame while unable to wound with Anduril.
The only upside for the Fellowship is another wraith dissipates for lack of will.
Turn 11Combats engage much like last turn, with a few key differences, Frodo is now outnumbered and Aragorn is transfixed.
Frodo is driven back, but his mithril coat saves him from death, Aragorn is driven into the ground and beaten within an inch of his life but hangs on.
Gandalf drives off his wraiths, but can't wound. Gimli, as always, cringes in terror.
Turn 12Turn 12 sees every member of the Fellowship low on fate and wounds and hard pressed to fend off multiple wraiths. Aragorn continues to stare vacantly at his death out of a haze of transfix, and Gimli continues to cower before the horror of it all.
Even though Frodo fights valiantly against his wraiths, the Nine rejoice as Aragorn is cut down, prematurely ending his career as King of Gondor and Gandalf, long time foe of Sauron, loses three fate and two wounds in one fight.
Seven Nazgul remain to finish Gandalf, Frodo, and a terrorized Gimli.
Turn 13: The EndAnd finish them they do. Each of the three surviving members of the Fellowship is engaged and killed.
Victory of the forces of Sauron! Soon the Ring will be back on its master's hand.
Final ThoughtsThe Nazgul are designed as counters to heroes. Transfix and Drain Courage are totally wasted on rank and file troops, but devastating against 100+ point heroes. Any fight between pure heroes and pure hero counters is going to be rough...
Magic doesn't worry about "in the way" so nine casters all together can focus their efforts and cripple any given hero in any given turn. If two or three get a transfix off, the other six or seven can beat someone's courage down to nothing. The Fellowship's ~20 will just doesn't last resisting eight or nine spells a turn.
Heroic moves are also a big deal, with 19 might the wraiths never had a problem calling them and with Aragorn neither did the Fellowship. Who wins the roll-off makes a huge difference. If the Fellowship wins they can engage the wraiths, prevent them from casting, and burn their will. If the wraiths win, they all get to move and cast leaving the Fellowship a quivering mess for that turn.
The Fellowship was on the back foot basically the whole game, and while they did burn through a lot of the Nine's will, their eventual demise became obvious pretty early on. If you wanted to balance the scenario better, there are a couple things you could do. First, is to give the Wraiths less will. At full will they're devastating, at one will each they'd drop almost instantly. Somewhere in the middle there is a balance point. Second would be to reduce the wraith's access to heroic moves, i.e. take away their might. Take all of it away and the Fellowship is going to do really really well (the wraiths won't ever get to cast, Aragorn will just make sure they're always engaged). Finally you could break theme and give everyone elven cloaks. That forces the wraiths in close before they can start casting and limits their ability to gang up on individuals. Combine two and three and the wraiths are toast, without might they can try to stay out of range and pepper the group with spells before closing, but without might and forced to stay close they're dead.
If I were going to try it again, I'd keep everything the same except bust the wraiths down to one might, one fate, and seven will each.