Anyone written fluff for their armies?
I had ten minutes spare and came up with this. Let me know your thoughts.

The army in question is comprised of The Undying, Kardush the Firecaller, an Orc Shaman riding a Warg, Morannon Orcs, Black Numenoreans, Morgul Knights, Amdur Lord of Blades, War Priests, Captains, Dragon Knights, Black Dragon Warriors and Easterling Warriors.I was thinking of painting a Dragon up to add to them, with an ebony colour scheme.
The plan to enlist those of Rhun to fight under the Eye wasn't always easy. Often more preoccupied with their own borders, squabbling with the Men of Dale and the other people of the North, it was increasingly hard to count on their support. A master stroke was needed, something to inspire them. The opportunity was there – the Black Dragon cult.
The Black Dragons were a sect of Easterlings who gloried in the blood of battle, the flames of war. Legend tells of their beginnings as minions of a great serpent, black as the earth, who would use them to gather treasures and protect its own lair. The leaders of the Easterlings turned a blind eye to this heresy – they dispatched trusted advisors in the guise of War Priests to reign them in, and to put a tax on their spoils. The Black Dragons would sally forth from the region surrounding the serpent's lair, butchering and pillaging. The great beast would feast on their spoils, both flesh and trinkets.
Soon, however, the cult died out – the great wars of the Second Age scared the dragon away, limiting its supply and influence, and it fled further east. What survives today is only in name – the Dragon Knights, led by Amdur, Lord of Blades, and what tales the War Priests can spin.
In order to capture their interests, the Dark Lord has dispatched his most guileful and scheming lieutenant. A Ringwraith, for sure, but he travels in the guise of a wizard. Some say he is undying, immortal, and has mastered dark magic beyond comprehension. However, for this task, he relied solely on his intelligence... and a few sly tricks. The Easterlings would not take his word alone. In order to solidify their interests, he had trained up an orc to master the secrets of fire. Kardush. A blunt name for a blunt-headed fool. The orc's mastery of fire was just what was needed to lend evidence to the rumour of the Black Dragon's return, and for good measure, the Undying enlisted a number of Black Numenoreans who had stories to tell, stories of the great black serpent. But were they only stories? The rumour mill was working overtime, and had churned out its newest offering – that the dragon was real, and hungry...