I've looked at all the entires over and over again since the topic went up, to say that this the vote for this month is a tough choice is definitely an understatement.
Those that caught my eye the most and take special mentions are:
Ardboe: Outstanding painting. If the cloth had been red I would've given you full marks

just kidding, it's interesting to see Morannon Orcs in purple. I especially like the top row pictures, and the bottom right one. Fantastic entry!
Edge67: A brutal, savage and grotesque Uruk warband. Beautiful!

You've really brought those Uruks to life. I like the variation on Berserker skin tones, and great detail on the banner.
John Wayne: My inner Rohirrim cries out with joy seeing Theodeon's Guard painted to such a beautiful standard. I think I may have fallen in love. That's all I can say
Minimal Monkey Saddle: Subtle tones, incredible attention to detail, a superb entry!
Shieldmaiden: Very interesting colour scheme for the twins, do I have permission to steal it?

They look fantastic amongst the rangers as well,
Telchar: Your conversions are brilliant, the one in picture #5 especially.
Wah Wing: Top marks for the colour scheme, it definitely brings the company together and makes it something special. Boromir for Gondor!
And of course, special mention for Bilbo's entry. A great Gothmog conversion, brilliant gritty painting that makes those old metal Orcs even more special.
If I could, I'd vote for all of them. As the cruel rules stand though, I have to make a choice. In the end I have to go for John Wayne's entry. But to all of you, brilliant, wonderful, fantastic work! You're all an inspiration