I find that the rush on stuff kills my brain cells too quickly, which I can't afford to do at my tender old age anymore

So, I hold my breath and spray outside! My absolute favourite spray-on matte top coat is Kryon's matte finish spray. For me the stuff works better than dullcote from Testors ever did. The problem with matte varnish/coats though is that
they do not actually protect the figure. For that, you first need to put on a coat of one of the glossier ones. Here's the procedure I use:
[*]Spray satin or glossy
protective top coat on first, apply thin layers; one layer is usually fine, but if you add more, wait until the first layer is very dry, i.e. a few hours in the hot sun or longer in the garage.
[*]My favourite for the protective top coat is varathane satin spray top coat. I once left miniature outside all night in the rain after spraying them with this stuff, and although the basing material have washed away, the figures - and even their paper banners!!!! - were in perfect condition!
[*]Let the figures dry for 24 hours after the protective coat goes on. Spraying the matte too early will mix the two and you won't get a matte finish ever. Also, if you left your figs out in the rain, wait an additional 24 hours to let them dry again

[*]Spray a light coat of Krylon matte finish on all sides of the figure. Wait for it to dry, which shouldn't take long since it was a light coat.
[*]If it's a little glossy still, do one more light coat. After that, another coat will start to mute the colours and make the figure look dusty.
That's it! Hope that helps

An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields