Aethelwulf slammed his shield into the orc's face, the iron boss killing as sure as any sword, while he caught a morningstar on sword. The chain wrapped around Guthwyn's blade, and the orc holding it began to tug. Aethelwulf braced himself, and pulled back. Suddenly, the orc let go, and the Rohirrim stumbled back as the resistance to his strength suddenly vanished. The orc gave him a kick, and while he fell drew a long, crooked dagger. Aethelwulf caught the first stab on his shield, but the second opened a gash on his thigh. Only then could he seize the morningstar the orc had dropped, and he brought it up in a great swing. The orc had though him defeated, and did not react quickly enough, as the spiked ball hit him squarely in the face. "That was a narrow escape." Aethelwulf thought as he grabbed his sword again, and clambered to his feet. He launched a cut at an Uruk who was fighting one of the elves, but it deflected off the beast's armour. Then, suddenly, the air glowed purple, and a lance of fire hit Ragnar in the back. "Help!"the Dwarf shouted, burning. A goblin from the misty mountains came in his way as Aethelwulf fought his way there, swinging a large stone maul. His opponent had no shield, though, so while the mail deflected off his own, Aethelwulf hacked down in a ferocious cut on the goblin's arm. He hacked straight through it, but the blood-crazed creature didn't give up. It slammed the stump down on Aethelwulf's sword-hand, and grabbed the sword with another. It tugged, and Aethelwulf had to let go. He rammed the shield at the orc, who jumped off, and then groped blindly for the maul. He found it, just as the Orc flung his sword into the river and picked one of Ragnars throwing axes. A second later, the maul reduced it's skull to bloody bits. Aethelwulf could think once again of Ragnar, and saw he was close to the river, and just a few paces away. Ignoring the next orc charging him, he sprinted towards the dwarf, and hit him full in the chest with the maul. The mail absorbed the blow, but the force of it launched the dwarf into the river, as Aethelwulf had intended. He turned, just in time to see an uruk cutting down on him, the falchion deflecting off his helmet. He jumped aside, knowing that with his simple weapon he was no match for an Uruk-Hai, and rejoined the fight.
EDIT: I confused Ragnar and Dwalvyn, sorry.
_________________ "... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time." -On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings 