Oh great! A LotR mod was just what I was waiting for for this game!
I've played the game for quite a long time too, stopped at level 31, even though I didn't want to.. What happenend was this:
If you follow the main story line, the old lady in the inn at Riverwood (the first city you reach after the dragon's attack in the beginning of the game) will tell you she's a dragonhunter or something (it's been a while) so, you'll have to follow her to these locations and such, and at one point, she'll tell you to visit a certain city (forgot it's name), go to the inn and talk with someone, he'll bring you to this secret party thing, but you'll have to go in disguise, so you need to leave your armour, items, potions, everything you'll need with him, he'll put it in a chest at the party from where you'll have to search secret maps and documents in the building. Well, I went to the chest, but guess what? It was empty

so, I tried looking for the documents with just some party clothes on and my bare fists (never trained magic, I'm a Nord and they are better when it comes to close combat, so I trained my sword/block skills etc.) but ofcourse, the building was full of guard, all dressed in this nice, heavy gold armour (reminds me a little of Easterlings

) and of course, they killed me hard time..
After trying for a while, sneaking around (which I trained pretty good aswell, but not good enough apparently) I gave up. I thought of going back in time with my older save files, but I was level 28 at my last file, and we all know how long it takes to level up in such games.
So that's why I quit playing Skyrim, I realy enjoyed it, but I don't want to start over again..

Now I'm playing Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor lately, a WWII strategy game, really like it, allthough it's pretty hard in the beginning
I'll start playing Skyrim again when the LotR mod is out, it looks great! Can't wait to see what the orcs, trolls, dwarfs, .... look like!