GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The excuse for the new paints is: "we haven't been able to scam enough people with our paints yet, we must find a way"
^That just might be the case.
It seems like anything new GW comes up with, I have a cynical point of view towards it. I don't like to, but it's the reality of the situation. My only complaints with the old paint range were that I found the metal paints and flesh paints to dry up quicker than the regular colour paints. I don't know if that is just me being delusional or others have noticed the same as well. As far as I can tell I had pots of paint such as my Regal Blue & Chaos Black last 2x longer than my Elf Flesh & Mithril Silver.
To me an improvement in the paint area would be to make the paints have a longer lasting life span. Would GW invest time and research on this? Not sure that they would and I have such a cynical view point that I'm sure they would rather much figure out a way to shorten the life span. Anyway on average, and depending on the colour, a pot of paint will last me over a year before it becomes too viscous and sludgy to use unless on the rare occassion I run the paint out of use. I guess for near $5 a year and a half quality life span isn't so bad, so I hope the new range stays the same in quality if not improved.
The last thing I find funny are the name changes. Just when I thought the names of the paints couldn't get more nerdy. Now when I show up to work to hobby paint on breaks, a new step has been added for my colleagues: confusion and then they will chuckle. Before it was just chuckle. So I'll be sitting there painting, a colleague comes and randomly picks up a pot of paint out of curiosity and reads it. What used to be known as 'Shadow Grey' would have just garnered a laugh, now it will become, "The Fang! WTF!?" confused expression he opens up the paint, "Oh it's grey, hardy har har..." and throws it back on the table. I could just see it now

My Lotr backlog: 305/952
32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA