Good morning, this is my first post here. Been watching for some time, but haven't taken the plunge into posting yet. This battle actually took place back this past November, I'm just now getting around to posting it. I am playing the Arnor/Minas Tirith army. There's a fair amount of pictures, so beware if you have a slower connection. Apparently I neglected to take any pictures of turns 8 & 9 for some reason. The Knight of Minas Tirith with Banner counts as a mounted Earnur (King of Men). There are a couple of Moranon Orcs as well that count as normal mordor orcs with shields. Still fairly new at the game, been collecting for about a year and a half, but only been playing for about 6 months, and only about five games so far. The models are all mine, as I'm the only one I know of in the area that collects LotR, but a friend of mine plays with me about once a month or so. Still getting the hang of the rules, though I really like the setting and the system. Hope you enjoy, and let me know your thoughts ... nov11.htmlOrcs advance on the men of Arnor