Oldman Willow wrote:
Blackknight1239 wrote
Because the d20 system is horrible for anything but high fantasy, swashbuckling heroics

I will bite. Why Is that?

High HP past level 3 or so, combined with the easily replacable magical healing items, makes for characters that just have to survive a fight; as along as they are above -9 HP (or Negative Bloodied value if you're talking 4e). So there isn't much interms of huge risk, until your enemies start deciding to use Save-or-die spells, in which you really feel like you're playing rocket tag.
Likewise, the Vancian magic system (or the application of the A/E/D/U system on magic) doesn't reflect the magic in middle-earth; that is, limited effects, that while not too powerful, seem to be able to be cast at-will. Again, magic outside the use of powerful spirits is hardly seen, Elrond's river shenanigans aside (and I mean, he's pretty much top tier stuff there). I think a mana-points system, with effect similar to the SBG, would be BEST for a LotR RPG that featured PC wizards/loremasters, but I'd be leary about how Tolkieneque that is.
The other major qualm is how it fails to models even the characters of the series well. Boromir and Gimli are best shown as the fighter class (I think), but even that barely scratches the deeds on which these characters can do. Legolas is clearly a bow ranger, but bow abilities are dreadfully weak, and Aragorn really doesn't HAVE a class (being an awesome leader doesn't have any mechancial effects in the system, unfortunately, outside one really, really bad base class).
Lord of the Rings needs a game of it's own, that isn't D&D, because D&D is only good at D&D and not much else. I would suggest the One Ring RPG from Discple 7, if I had any experience with it. Otherwise...FATE could work, if you wanted to work in strong over-land travel mechanics.