Hi I'm a little new to the forums but perhaps you awesome painters can help me out? I recently started painting an army of Galadhrim. They are the metal ones that I had to buy piece by piece from ebay since GW don't make em no more
Anyways Ive started to paint some of them but they came out a bit....bright? Or in all I just don't really like the color scheme and thinking of repainting them. Any ideas for a good paint scheme? I already like the style of Haldir_Strikes scheme and I think I might go with his cloaks color scheme. But as for the armour? I would like it to look like the helms deep armor but anyone have any ideas?
Here are some pics of the currently painted Galadhrim. I'm hating my cloaks. And yes ill fix the faces up but first Id like to work on the armour and cloaks.
Sorry if the pics are big.