GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Then your answer is that you haven't folloed the proper criteria for a Dark Lord. Just in case you don't know what I mean, I will list all the criteria for a Dark Lord:
He/she must be evil
He/she must be in charge of a large number of (unwilling) servants
The evil he/she reeks affects the land as well as his subjects
Very powerful form of magic powers or power of a different name eg the Force
Diabolical force (more force than personality)
A huge army
Devil-like qualities (not required)
Personificatiopn of evil (not required)
People afraid to speak their name
Usually possess, control, obtain or make an object or objects which make him/her more powerful and/or harder to kill
Examples; Sauron, Morgoth, Voldemort (Harry Potter), the Sith Lords (STar Wars), Galbatorix (Inheritance Cycle), Dracula
He is Evil with a capital E.
He is in charge of a huge number of servants, but only a few are unwilling.
His Evil affects the land.
He is the master of all magic, and can do anything he likes with it.
He is quite diabolical.
He has several huge armies.
He is the personification of Evil.
People don't know his name, so forget about speaking it.
As mentioned before, he can bend all magic to his own will, and cast spells without tiring himself, and he is a god, so he can't die at all.
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You assume wrongly

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings