ust noticed this topic. Now my novel can be found in thousands of places. Sometimes a page or ten written down on paper, then another page or ten in a word doc. I ticked 'finished but not published', but I'm sure that when I now try to gather it, I'll change hundreds of things in the story. Happend before.
Now there are some questions I'd like to ask my fellow OR novelists.
1) Where and when do you get 'inspired' to write some pages for your novel ? Or do you just sit down and say: "Now I gonna wright something down!"
2) Is it visible you were inspired by lotr (I think we all were) ?
3) What was your main idea / character ?
4) What races does it include (uruks/wargs/halflings ?!)
No, I'm not some sort of intervieuwer who's gonna make money with this when you've published your books!

1 I just sit down, say "Now I'm gonna write something down", surf to OR and forget about the novel

2 If I ever publish it, I'll get copyright-sued. Sometimes I think of my City of Men as "Minas Tirith", because it's so alike and I don't really like my own name (which I subconciously stole from LOTR)
3 I was struck by the fact that in all fantasy books, the Good guys work together perfectly. So I set my mind on creating a book where they don't.
4 Most important: Elves(High and Lesser), Orcs (more like LOTR Uruks), Men (Scots-like Northmen, Men of Ered Luin (Minas Tirith), including a religious Order, and many Evil men), Dwarves and Mordians (quite like to WFB Skaven). Less important are Bogeys, Mermaids, Vampyres, Wizards (actually Men, but they live so isolated they are totally different).
Short summary: A Lesser Elf village gets raided by evil forces looking for a mysterious thing, and the messenger sent to ask for an explanation gets beheaded. The Elf King declares war, but they haven't fought for over 3000 years, so he sends the main character on a mission to conclude alliances and learn about drills, tactics etc. etc.
On his journey, the main character is hounded by 24 Orc Warlords in unquestionable service to the Dark Lord, supernaturally powerfull and absolutely ruthless. He then gets more and more caring about the war, and tries to unify the squabbling Free Peoples into fighting the Dark Lord as one, setting aside their differences.
Haven't decided whether he succeeds or fails yet...
"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings