Ok, this is what I did.
Like you I realized that I want to improve my painting, in my case I was like, "wow my stuff looks kinda bad"....then started the research, yes I said research....
1. Most of the world's renowned painters are on Cool Mini or Not, i went there and I contacted some of the best painters, like Derwish, Volomir, and Elly3438( i contacted him because of the NMM work,

) These guys DO NOT mind giving help, they love it, just like I am liking this portion right now.
2. If I were you I would invest some money into a dvd or downloadable dvd, this is one of the best ways to get at least an idea of how these incredible painters do their stuff...I went to Miniature Mentor, go on Youtube and search reviews about miniature painting dvds, you'll find a bunch of stuff, and make sure you do good research because you don't want to spend money then find out the dvd is a piece of Devlan Mud...ehmmmm...miniature painting with Natalya..ehnmmmm...
3. Like most other guys here said, practice...BUT make sure you have at least an idea of what you are doing, by watching the dvd's and analyzing, yes I said analyzing them. Write down some notes on what you think something could mean or how to do something.
Continuing on the practice...I know when you start off, even after several months, you will get frustrated...THAT's OK, just calm down and tell yourself this..."If I keep practicing I will get better in the future." If you keep this positive attitude you will meet your goal.
Ex: ME... At the beginning of 2011 I started off on the journey of increasing my skills, and mainly, trying out NMM, one of the hardest things when it comes to painting...after I would contact someone I would analyze it and then try it out on a mini, but I would fail...terribly..BUT..I kept at it...it took me about 8 months to figure out how to blend colors really well using different techniques but I finally got it down.
Sooo after all this crazy stuff I have been saying, please take it literally...and go out there and be positive when it comes to painting...after all it's only a hobby ,
well I hoped you've liked the show...until next time