Baldrick wrote:
- Oh, on your tutorial (Buckland Brewer), you do Scorched Brown, then Graveyard Earth, then Khaki, then Bone, how do you leave the other layers showing through? Also, does that recipie also cover the top of the Fell Beast? It looks considerably darker than the underbelly you see, and greyer that a different colour?
The top of the fellbeast only has the Scorched Brown and Graveyard Earth drybrush-stages. This leaves the beasty a little darker on the up-side of the body... The belly's flesh is a little more pale...
Just don't forget to also wash this top with the mix of Scorched Brown / Chaos Black / Codex Grey + lots of water. (this wash smooths down the drybrush-traces and gives darker results in the lower parts of the body, like creating shadows etc...).
Just don't make the beast really wet when doing this, do it layer by layer and give it time to get dry. The wash shouldn't drip of your brush at all, just add enough watered down paint in your brush to make it dry in only a few seconds; remove the "wetness" of the brush by stroking the brush over a tissue.
It all takes time, but the result is always better. You won't see much difference after the first layer, but before applying the second one, make sure the first one is totally dry, since the first one is the most important I think (if not totally dry, you will rather wipe off your first "base-wash" -layer into a concentrated area...). ALways use the tip of the brush pointed to the darkest area, you should be able to actually "push" the darkness using the brush-tip...
To make the other layers show through, just start with the heaviest drybrush, and make every additional drybrush less heavy (softer) and leave more and more of the edges in it's previous drybrush-stage.
Always wipe as much paint as possible out of your brush on a dry tissue before starting the drybrush-technique...