WayUnderTheMountain wrote:
I don't see this formation being Indomitable unless Samwise is the last halfling standing as Smeagol would probably run off with the Ring the moment Frodo and Samwise die nor Frodo trudging on much longer without Smeagol and Sam. You could add that to the Samwise the Brave rule.
That's true, but a formation of 3 guys really doesn't work without indomitable. Nevertheless, making the rule tied to Sam might allow for some interesting decisions in game.
No reason you can't give the formation Epic Journey, several monsters get Epic Actions. I love that it is so well supported by the fluff and it would be nice if Aragorn wasn't the ONLY thing in the game with that weird, off the wall ability.
Ultragreek wrote:
And that's why they didn't mke them a formation...
They made Tom Bombadil, Wormtongue, and Gollum by himself into formations. This is less of a stretch than they are.
Maybe Gollum could have a rule that gave him a 50/50 chance each turn of being Smeagol (with a benefit) or Gollum (with a penalty)? I like the fluffyness, but that is getting dangerously close to being too complex to actually use in game.
Regardless, in principle I like the concept of the formation, just needs a little bit of tweaking and playtesting with various options.